10 Things to Remember When You’ve Lost Your Motivation

The biggest and most complex obstacle you’ll ever have to overcome is your mind.  If you can overcome that, you can overcome anything.

Have you ever lost your motivation?
I know exactly how you feel.
Many moons ago, there was a time when my motivation hit rock bottom.  I would look around and see others motivating themselves to do things simply by knowing that these things needed to be done.  But not me.  For me, motivation was an esoteric, intimidating game where I’d try to make myself do something while my mind simultaneously avoided doing it.  If I won, I’d have to do something I didn’t really want to do.  And if I lost, I’d be one step closer to ruining the rest of my entire life.  At least that’s how I felt.  And I never really knew whether I was going to win or lose until the very last minute.
Obviously, I was not being mindful.
The good news is, with daily practice, I’ve come a long way from those rock bottom days of haphazard motivation.
Nowadays, Angel and I coach students on a daily basis who are struggling to motivate themselves in various life situations.  And, fittingly, we guide them through many of the same proven strategies I’ve learned and practiced over the years to get my mindset and motivation from the lowest of lows to the highest of highs.
One of those strategies involves mindful daily reflection.
The truth is, motivation can be fleeting, which is why we need to positively recharge our mindset on a regular basis.  I was reminded of this a few minutes ago when I received an email from a new course student that opened with:
“I feel drained!  I’m stuck… with worry and overwhelm and frustration… and just a general lack of enthusiasm!  Any advice?  What should I reflect on or try to remember when I’ve completely lost my motivation?”
Today, with our student’s permission, I’ve decided to answer this question publicly, because I know we all need these reminders sometimes.  Here are some key things I reflect on regularly to support my practice of nurturing a more mindful, motivated mindset…

  1. It’s not the weight that breaks you down, it’s the way you carry it.  You can use pain, frustration and inconvenience to motivate you rather than annoy you.  You are in control of the way you look at life.  Beautiful things happen when you distance yourself from negative thinking.
  2. You always have a choice.  Choose to be negative and you’ll find plenty of reasons to stop and frown.  Choose to be positive and you’ll find plenty of reasons to step forward and smile.  Truly, the most powerful weapon against stress and discouragement is our ability to choose one thought over another.  Train your mind to see the good in everything.
  3. One of the most rewarding and important moments in life is the moment you finally find the courage to let go of what you can’t change.  When you stop worrying and complaining about what you can’t control, you have more time to change the things you can control.  And that changes everything.
  4. It’s never in your best interests to share lots of time with people who constantly try to discourage you (even if they’re your family).  Because, if you’re the kind of person who believes there’s something out there for you beyond whatever it is you’re expected to do – if you want to be extraordinary – you can’t get there by shackling yourself to those who hold you back.  Instead, you will very likely become just as ordinary as they expect you to be.  And there’s absolutely no reason to do that to yourself.  
  5. Long-term success in life is a trifecta of ability, motivation, and attitude.  Ability is what you’re capable of doing every day.  Motivation determines what you actually do every day.  And attitude determines how well you ultimately do it.  Keep this in mind, and keep yourself in check.
  6. Sitting around worrying is a misuse of your incredible creative energy.  Instead of imagining the worst, imagine the best and how you can bring it about.
  7. It’s always better to be exhausted from meaningful work than to be tired of doing nothing.  Put in the effort and live the life you’ve imagined.  Wake up and remind yourself that you are what you do today, not what you say you’ll do someday.  Good things don’t come to those who wait – they come to those who work on meaningful goals.  When all is said and done, oftentimes more is said than done.  But it doesn’t have to be this way.  The way to get going, and feel good about it, is to quit talking and begin doing.
  8. Imagine how much more effective and happy you’d be if, instead of dreading and fighting against certain tasks, you simply got them done.  Remember, the task ahead of you is never greater than the strength within you.  Do what’s right, not what’s easy.  And when the task is a big one, do just a little bit of it every day.  Even the tiniest daily ritual changes everything in the long run.  
  9. Effort is never wasted, even when it leads to disappointing results.  For it always makes you stronger, more educated, and more experienced.  So when the going gets tough, be patient and keep going.  Just because you are struggling does NOT mean you are failing.  Every great success requires some kind of struggle to get there.
  10. The next step is always worth taking.  Seriously, no matter what happens, no matter how far you seem to be away from where you want to be, never stop believing that you will make it.  Have an unrelenting belief that things will work out, that the long road has a purpose, that the things you desire may not happen today, but they will happen.  Practice patience.  And remember that patience is not about waiting – it’s the ability to keep a good attitude while working hard to make progress every day, and knowing that this journey is worth it
Source & Credit: www.marcandangel.com