TEST: Select An Image And Reveal Your Angel Message

Sometimes we receive messages in the form of friends giving advice, animal messengers, and in this case, being drawn to a certain image.
Take a moment and look at the pictures below. Choose the one you feel most drawn to and your angel message will be revealed.
If you selected Picture A:
This is a really good time. Either you can already feel the ease in your life, or it will soon feel that way. The energetic conditions are right for success in whatever project you are involved in. This is because you have made good choices. Your dream is now coming true. It is time to get the benefits of a project, venture, or idea you planted some time back. It wasn’t easy to get here. There were times you doubted your success. And yet the time has come now that you receive the benefits of your hard work. Now you can either build upon your successes, or you can move on from them, and set new goals, start something new. And as you start something new, have patience, do it after reflecting on the goals and your next steps. There could be travel involved for your work.
If you selected Picture B:
It is time you sat up and took a good look at yourself. You find wonderful qualities in others and admire them. While this is a great trait to have, do not forget that what you recognize in others is present in you as well. Others are just a reflection of you, showing you back what you are. So don’t put yourself down. When you recognize something good about another, remind yourself that you recognized it because you have a trait very similar to that within you. You often think others are better than you. It is time you let go of thinking less of yourself and recognized your own beauty, talents, and creativity. As you start to improve your own self-perception, you become a strong force of positive change in this world. And allowing yourself to shine as your true self will open up doors of abundance, success, and endless blessings. You will see!
If you selected Picture C:
If you have been indulging a bit on relaxing more, chilling out, or in food, relationships, material possessions, and have been secretly beating yourself over it….stop. As long as you don’t overdo it, a little bit of indulgence is perfectly OK. Life is not only about work, seriousness, and responsibilities. Life is meant to be enjoyed. Yes, an excess of anything leads to an imbalance in your life and in your energy. Whether that excess is in indulging in the goodies, or in overworking yourself. A balanced approach is needed. Look towards bringing more balance in your life and work on balancing your energy. And at the same time, make sure you are not beating yourself up for anything. That will not help you with anything. There is no need to deny yourself of pleasures in life. Just keep in mind to come back to balance.

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