Pick a card and get quick and simple way to get insight into the past, present, and future. There are many variations on the 3 card tarot spread, including the past life tarot spread, but this is one of the most common and useful (in my opinion!) spread. This spread also works great with oracle cards if you prefer using those.
1. Past
Energies and events that are in the past yet still affect you
How your past either holds you back (blocks) or helps you move forward (growth)
What you need to take from the past and use to your advantage today
The Lovers card is about love, relationship and forming a pair. But we have to see the question also, in which context this card has come. The Lovers Card in Career Reading shows your passion and attachment towards your work. One feels very connected with work and loves it. The Lovers card in career reading can also show the possibility of doing a partnership. It also shows one may be doing a dream job. One may be very enthusiastic about the job. Since this card came in past position, it shows how much you love doing your work.
2. Present
What is going on for you right now, The energy of the present moment, Opportunities and challenges that are currently being presented to you
Seven of wands in a career reading, if it comes is a good card. It shows the character and determination. This card came in the present position. This card shows the effort that the lady is putting in. here, a person loves the challenges and will give her best. It also shows a person is ambitious. A person would try to remain on the top.
3. Future
The outcome of the situation, The direction that things seem to be moving in, What you are wanting
In future career reading, 8 of cups card came. This is not a good card as we can see a person walking away in the card. There are disappointment and uncertainty. Eight of cups in career reading, if it comes shows the possibility of a change of career or even taking a break from a career. A person may be turning back due to some emotional reasons.
The meaning of the word “Angel” is a messenger; communication and guidance are their specialties. Messages from your angels are always for your highest good; guiding you to your dreams, your purpose, happiness, joy, and peace.
The Angels assure us that there is a very positive side to all that is happening, and there is a lot we can do to bring about a more peaceful state in all of our lives. Their messages give us insight into what we can each do right to improve not only our own lives but the state of the world as well.
Take a look at the 4 Angel Cards below, and pick an Angel for a personal message
Card ONS
Your Angels want to let you know how proud they are of you and how far you have come on your spiritual journey! They see all of the obstacles you have overcome. They want you to know, they were by your side the entire time providing you synchronicities to guide you on your path! They say congratulations is in order, as you’ve either recently moved, started a new career, and have taken your life in a completely new direction. They want you to know they assisted you in removing the fear of stepping outside of your comfort zone to go in this new direction. Your Angels say, now that you have aligned your energy to your new path, big things are on the way for you. They ask that you stay focused and on track with the goals and aspirations you’ve set for yourself. Your Angels say, do not worry, all of your needs will be met in Divine right timing, as long as your energy remains aligned to this new path. Your Angels see that it was necessary to cut certain people out of your life in order to progress forward. They say, have no regrets as these relationships would have fallen away anyway very soon as they were no longer in your new aligned energy. Keep moving forward and don’t look back. They remind you to take time to stop and smell the roses and to remain in your here and now, as they will continue bringing you the synchronicities to guide you further on your next steps. Pay attention to your immediate surroundings, and you’ll surely notice the signs.
Card TWO
Your Angels have seen you struggling with an addiction. This could be in the form of; drugs, alcohol, food, cigarettes, hoarding, OCD behavior, having control issues, drama, etc… Your Angels have been working behind the scenes to release this bind from you. You have slowly, over the past month lost your craving for this addiction. It is losing its grasp on you. Your Angels have placed positive affirmations as signs to distract you from cravings. Your Angels are assisting you in replacing a bad, harmful habit with a positive, healthy one. You have realized how strong your will has become over the past month to resist the urges to go back to the old ways. You are now optimistic about your future and can see clearly your new destined reality. You think to yourself…, how easy it was to give this up. Why did it take so long? Your Angels have a way of working miracles in your life. And they use every means necessary to assist you on your true path and journey. Your Angels have increased your vibrational frequency to a more positive, optimistic outlook on your life. You have now begun to catch yourself when any negative thoughts enter your mind and immediately replace it with a positive one. Your Angels want you to know, they are by your side every step of the way. Just simply call on them in any time of weakness and they will provide the strength you need to carry on. Your Angels are so proud of you, and are elated to assist you on the steps of your newfound freedom and life! They want you to know you are about to be rewarded for all of your hard work. This form of abundance can come in any form to you. Remain open to the abundance of the Universe, and it will flow easily to you. Remember, you deserve it!
You Angels want you to know they’ve seen your struggles over the past year. Perhaps you lost a loved one or a beloved pet. Your Angels are guiding you to the signs your loved ones past are leaving for you. Have you recently found a penny, dime or feather? Have you seen a cardinal, or blue jay lately? Have you heard a sentimental, familiar song? Have you smelled a familiar scent, or seen lights flickering? These are all signs from your loved ones who have passed letting you know they are with you in your times of need. They know that certain dates, especially Holidays can trigger grief and sadness, but want you to know they are here with you in spirit, giving you a warm, comforting hug. If your pet has passed, they curl up beside you at bedtime and times of rest in spirit to comfort you. Know your loved ones often turn into your Guides from the other side after transitioning to the Light. If you quiet your mind and tune in, you will see the signs, and hear their guidance gently guiding you on the rest of your journey. You cannot mistake the feeling of a loved one coming to you, as it feels like an all-encompassing love not of this world. You get goosebumps, and tears of joy float to your eyes. The next time you are missing a loved one who has passed, simply ask them to give you a sign. Then be aware of your surroundings, as they surely always answer your calls for guidance, peace,, love and comfort.
Your Angels are here to let you know they are working behind the scenes to bring either new love into your life or assist you in improving the relationship you already have. They have heard you ask, when is my soul mate going to come to me? When will I finally meet The One? Can I get this relationship back on track? Your Angels come to you today to provide confirmation that the time is soon. The guidance they give is; begin to love yourself, and others will find you loveable too. Go out and have fun, flirt, and find your joy again! Having fun allows your inner spark to shine which makes you attractive to a potential partner. Your Angels say, now is the time to create that vision board you’ve been thinking of. Be specific in the type of partner you wish to attract into your life. Begin embodying those qualities as like attracts like. If your friend wants to fix you up on that blind date, go this time, because you never know if your soul mate is that blind date. The Angels have a way of using friends and family in our lives to arrange perfect meetings for us at times. Be open to going to new places, and stepping outside of your comfort zone. Our soul mates tend to appear in the most unlikely of places when it’s entirely unexpected.
If your relationship has gotten stale, in a rut, or mundane routine and the spark is gone, your Angels ask that you remember all of the Beautiful qualities that attracted you to your partner in the first place! What made you fall in love in the first place? What attracted you to your partner? The Angels say it’s time to plan a date night, out of the ordinary, with some romance and passion! Buy a new outfit, get your hair done, do your nails. Some suggestions are: You can book a couples massage. Google date night ideas. Flirt, and send sexy texts throughout the day building up to your date night. Slip little notes in your partner's purse, or pants pocket letting them know how much you love & appreciate them. When your partner comes home from work, have candles lit, music on, a sexy outfit and you might not even make it out on the date! There are all kinds of ways to get the passion back in your relationship. The Angels ask that you think outside the box, and have fun being creative.
Select a card that you feel drawn to without much analysis. When you are ready, scroll down to reveal your message.
The published date of this post is not important, as time and space is different in the Spiritual realm. You are being guided to this post because you are required to hear this message NOW in whatever time zone you are in and whatever space you are in now.
You have recently been denied a Victory, or so you thought. Do not be disappointed, as whatever is being denied you are a protection “a blessing in disguise” from the Universe and your Angels. There is an important lesson that needs to be learned, to help you grow and soar high in the future. Trust that everything happens for a reason, and this is required to support your achievement. A bigger celebration is coming once the lesson is learned.
You are currently in a situation where you felt tied up. Know that this is only an illusion created by yourself and nothing is holding you except yourself, only you can free yourself up. Trust that you can get out of this sticky situation for only you have the power to overcome this obstacle within. Set your intention now to release and let go, and fully devote to self-Love and care. Go within now.
You have recently come through a conflict or a struggle, either internally or with someone. There is an energy change now within and around you. You are now being asked to take a leap of faith and trust your inner guidance to bring you towards a greater path and that everything will now fall right into place in front of you if you follow your inner guidance. Know that help will be given when needed. It is now time to move forward fearlessly.