Stephen Hawking New Warning To Humanity: ‘We’re at most dangerous moment in history!’

The rise of Donald Trump and Britain’s Brexit vote come at “the most dangerous time in the history of the human race,” renowned theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking has warned.
Writing in an op-ed for The Guardian newspaper, the Cambridge professor said the political shift shows the majority of people are sick of the status quo and felt they had been “abandoned by their leaders.”
“It was, everyone seems to agree, the moment when the forgotten spoke, finding their voices to reject the advice and guidance of experts and the elite everywhere.
“For me, the really concerning aspect of this is that now, more than at any time in our history, our species needs to work together,” he added.
Hawking says the world is facing crippling challenges, including climate change, food production, overpopulation, the decimation of other species, epidemic disease and acidification of the oceans.
“Together, they are a reminder that we are at the most dangerous moment in the development of humanity.
“We can do this [overcome the challenges], I am an enormous optimist for my species; but it will require the elites, from London to Harvard, from Cambridge to Hollywood, to learn the lessons of the past year. To learn above all a measure of humanity.”
He added: “We now have the technology to destroy the planet on which we live, but have not yet developed the ability to escape it.
“Perhaps in a few hundred years, we will have established human colonies amid the stars, but right now we only have one planet, and we need to work together to protect it.”
Hawking also warned that artificial intelligence and increasing automation is going to decimate middle class jobs and worsen inequality, and risks creating significant political upheaval.
“The automation of factories has already decimated jobs in traditional manufacturing, and the rise of artificial intelligence is likely to extend this job destruction deep into the middle classes, with only the most caring, creative or supervisory roles remaining.
“With not only jobs but entire industries disappearing, we must help people to retrain for a new world and support them financially while they do so,” he added.
It is not the first time Hawking has shared his opinions about Trump. In an interview with ITV earlier in the year, Hawking referred to the president-elect as “a demagogue who seems to appeal to the lowest common denominator.”

THIS Is The Biggest Difference Between A FAKE Empath And A Real One

You’ve probably heard someone calling themselves an Empath and describing themselves as over sensitive.
But most people who use this term are just a-holes hiding behind the terminology.
They have been hurt at some point in their life (like we all have) and they try to justify their weakness by hiding behind this term. It’s like their shield.
They are safe from questioning themselves because they’ve identified with being an ‘Empath’ – someone who feels too much and is here to help the world with their emotions, because everyone else is ruining it. At least that’s what they make out of it.
Now don’t get me wrong, there are real empaths who have psychochemical imbalance and respond to the outside world more sensitively than others.
Because their emotions are a big part of their life, bigger than for other people, their emotional intelligence is slightly higher.
That’s not something they carry on their forehead, telling everyone they meet they are empaths. Just like a person with an OCD doesn’t open a conversation with ‘because I am over intelligent and see patterns everywhere…’
It doesn’t matter if you see patterns others can’t, if you feel too much, if you eat only vegetables, or like to meditate. Being a good person is beyond that.
It demands facing your own demons, not hiding away from them and projecting them upon the world.
And that’s something most people would rather mask, in return creating the bad world they blame everyone else for.

Here is how a FAKE Empath sees the world:Fake Empath

Empath:  One who has a high degree of sensitivity and caring to the feelings of others, to the point it can become a problem. If your client is occasionally saddened by ads about abandoned animals or starving children, it’s because they have a unique and wonderful super power. Please note that one of the most common signs that your client is an empath is that he/she is highly responsive to flattery.
Sociopath: Anyone who hurts an empath’s feelings, especially within the context of a romantic relationship. Examples include someone who forgets an anniversary, leaves the toilet seat in the wrong position, forgets to pick something up from the store, or has to be told to pick something up from the store.
Psychopath: Anyone who hurts an empath’s feelings, especially within the context of the breakup of a romantic relationship. Symptoms include having different tastes in movies or TV or music than an empath does, or forgetting to pick something up from the store twice in a row.
Narcissist: A person they care for that doesn’t give them equal amount of attention, and is more focused on their self. A simple interaction with them is emotionally draining because ‘Empaths’ invest too much of themselves in the ‘relationship’ giving everything to the other person, and they get abused. The other person might simply don’t care that much, or don’t feel the same way.
Caring and Concerned: What empaths are when they express negative feelings.
Rageaholic: What sociopaths, narcissists or psychopaths are when they express their negative feelings to an empath.
Indigo Child: The offspring of an empath. An evolved soul who expresses him/herself freely and does not like being disciplined.
Demon Child: The offspring of a sociopath, narcissist or psychopath. May occasionally require discipline. Inherently inferior to an Indigo Child in every way.
Soulmate: That person you’ve been on three really good dates with.
Twin Flame: That same person after you’ve been in a good relationship for three months.
Satan Incarnate: That same person after you’ve lived with him/her for six months.

Here is how a real empath sees the world:

“I am a human being just like everyone else. I don’t care who you are, if you are a good person I will like you. If you are not, I won’t like you. But each and every single living being deserves respect, even the ones you hate the most.
You have every right in the whole world to not like me, just like I have every right in the whole world to not like you. I don’t need to judge you, but sometimes I will, and that’s my problem.
I know you are only human deep inside, troubling to face your own demons. We all do sometimes. We all have flaws. And sometimes we can get along, and it would be a good time. Deep inside, behind all that chatter and all those layers, we all love one another. That’s why we care.
The world doesn’t need saving. We need to learn how to live with each other. As far as I see, the world is alright for every other living thing, except us. So maybe there’s something wrong with the way we see the world, maybe it’s our own demons that fool us.
And yeah… I am kinda sensitive and perceive things more to the heart than others. That’s my horse, you don’t have to worry about it. I learn to ride it.”
source: Belief Net via: lifecoachcode

6 Types of Empaths: Which One Are You and How to Make the Most of Your Gift?

Empathy is the gift of being able to put yourselves in someone else’s shoes and feel things as if you were them. However, there are several different types of empaths, each of which has a different set of empathetic abilities.

1. Emotional Empath

The emotional empath is one of the most common types of empaths. If you are this type, you will easily pick up the emotions of others around you and feel the effects of those emotions as if they were yours. The emotional empath will deeply experience the feelings of others in their own emotional body. For example, an emotional empath can become deeply sad around another individual who is experiencing sadness.
For emotional empaths, it is important to learn to differentiate between your own emotions and those of others. In this way, you can use your ability to help others without becoming drained.

2. Physical/Medical Empath

Those with this type of empathy can pick up on the energy of other people’s bodies. They intuitively know what ails another person. Many people with this type of empathy become healers either in the conventional medical professions or in alternative ones. Physical empaths may ‘feel’ an awareness in their physical body when treating someone. They may also ‘see’ blockages in a person’s energy field that they sense need treating.
If you are a medical empath, you may pick up on symptoms from others and feel them in your own body. Taking on the physical symptoms of others may lead to health problems. Some people with chronic illnesses such as fibromyalgia or autoimmune diseases might find it helps to strengthen their own energetic field so that they can turn this ability off when necessary. Taking some training in a form of healing can also help to hone this ability.

3. Geomantic Empath

Geomantic empathy is sometimes called the place or environmental empathy. Those with this ability have a fine attunement to the physical landscape. If you find yourself uncomfortable, or really happy in certain environments or situations, for no apparent reason, you may be a geomantic empath.
If you are a geomantic empath, you will feel a deep connection to certain places. You may be drawn to sacred stones, groves, churches or other places of sacred power. You may also be sensitive to the history of a place and be able to pick up on sadness, fear or joy that have occurred in locations. Place empaths are highly attuned to the natural world and grieve for any damage to it. They watch with horror when trees are cut down or landscapes destroyed
If you are this type of empath, you will probably need to spend time in nature to recharge. You may also find help in an environmental project very healing for you. It is also important for you to make your everyday surroundings as harmonious and beautiful as you can. You may feel happier if you fill your house with plants and natural scents. You might also like to choose natural materials such as wood and linen for your clothing and furniture.

4. Plant Empath

If you are a plant empath, you intuitively sense what plants need. You will be green-fingered and have a true gift for placing the right plant in the right place in your garden or home. Many plant empaths choose to work in parks, gardens or wild landscapes where they can put their gifts to good use. In fact, if you have chosen an occupation that involves plants, then you are probably a plant empath. Some people with this gift actually receive guidance from trees or plants directly by hearing it within the mind.
If you are this kind of empath, you will already know that you need a lot of contact with trees and plants. You might like to strengthen this bond by sitting quietly by a special tree or plant and attuning more closely to its needs and guidance.

5. Animal Empath

Many empaths have a strong connection with animals. However, an animal empath will probably devote their lives to working for the care of our animal friends. Those with this gift will know what an animal needs and may be able to telepathically communicate with the creature.
If you are an animal empath, you probably already spend as much time with animals as you can. You may find that studying the biology or psychology of animals helps you to refine your gift. You could also consider training as an animal healer as your special talent can enable you to find out what is wrong with an animal and treat it accordingly.

6. Claircognizant/Intuitive Empath

If you are a claircognizant or intuitive empath, you will pick up information from other people simply by being around them. One glance at someone can give you all kinds of insight into that person. You will immediately know if someone is lying to you because you can sense the intentions behind their words. Those with this gift resonate to other energetic fields and read the energy of others very easily. This is closely related to the telepathic empath who can read another person’s thoughts
If you have this ability, you need to surround yourself with people who you feel aligned with. With this gift, you may need to strengthen your energetic field so that you are not constantly bombarded with the thoughts and emotions of others.
Being an empath is not easy. You may find it confusing, disorientating and exhausting. However, understanding which of the types of empath you are can help you to use your gifts and abilities to help yourself and those around you.

A Master Buddhist Reveals the 3 Essential Principles to a Zen Mind

photo by thegardenofzen
Ever wondered what the main pillars are of a “Zen Mind”? I mean, we all want to be more peaceful, wise and happy, yet it can be difficult to figure out how to go about it.
That’s where Korean-born Zen teacher Seung Sahn Soen-sa comes in with his befitting explanation of the “Zen Mind” in one of the chapters his book Dropping Ashes on the Buddha: The Teachings of Zen Master Seung Sahn
Here are the three pillars of the Zen mind:
“Zen practice – requires great faith, great courage, and great questioning…”

Great Faith

“What is great faith? Great faith means that at all times you keep the mind which decided to practice, no matter what. It is like a hen sitting on her eggs. She sits on them constantly, caring for them and giving them warmth, so that they will hatch. If she becomes careless or negligent, the eggs will not hatch and become chicks. So Zen mind means always and everywhere believing in myself…”
Alan Watts also spoke about the importance of having faith:
“To have faith is to trust yourself to the water. When you swim you don’t grab hold of the water, because if you do you will sink and drown. Instead you relax, and float.”

Great courage

“… means bringing all your energy to one point. It is like a cat hunting a mouse. The mouse has retreated into its hole, but the cat waits outside the hole for hours on end without the slightest movement. It is totally concentrated on the mouse-hole. This is Zen mind — cutting off all thinking and directing all your energy to one point.
Osho believed that courage was important. Courage, he believed, was allowing yourself to experience all emotions:
“Experience life in all possible ways — good-bad, bitter-sweet, dark-light, summer-winter. Experience all the dualities. Don’t be afraid of experience, because the more experience you have, the more mature you become.”

Great questioning

“Next — great questioning… If you question with great sincerity, there will only be don’t-know mind.”
Buddha was also an avid believer in critical thinking:
“Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.” – Buddha
source and courtesy: educateinspirechange

A Zen Philosopher Explains How to Rewire Your Brain to Cope With Negative Feelings

I’m sure you’ve heard of ‘mindfulness’ before. From mental health experts to professional athletes, it’s being touted as the next big revolution in psychology.
The truth is that mindfulness has been around for centuries in the Eastern world, it’s just that the Western world is slow to catch on.
But don’t worry, it’s not very complex. The main crux of it involves focusing your attention on the present moment with a non-judgmental and compassionate attitude.
It can be a remarkable technique to help you cope with difficult situations in life.
To practice mindfulness, here are 7 habits. They may seem difficult at first, but if you keep at it, they’ll benefit you for a lifetime.

1. Practice Gratitude

Being grateful for the blessings we receive can be one of the most important habits you can develop, hands down. It reminds us to enjoy what we have. To practice gratitude, immediately write down 3 things you are grateful for when you wake up.

2. Feel your feet and palms  

This is a technique that will anchor yourself to the present moment. Clench your hands into tight fists and release. Clench. Release. Clench. Release. This allows you to focus on your body, which will put you in the present moment.

3. Notice the environment

With mindfulness, you don’t have to manipulate your feelings and emotions to stay in the present moment; just simply notice what’s around you. Allow your mind to let go and just notice all the wonderful objects, sites, and sounds around you.

4. Breathe Deeply

Most meditation techniques revolve around breathing and for good reason: It’s a great way to relax and center yourself. To begin practising, inhale for 3 seconds and exhale for 3 seconds. As you get more practice, you can increase the amount of seconds, which will make you feel even more centered and relaxed.

5. Listen, don’t just hear

Next time you’re in a conversation, try to notice when you judge the person you’re speaking with. Then once you notice, you can attempt to avoid the judgments and focus on the content of what they’re saying. Judgments cause us to be bias and not really listen to what others have to say.

6. Watch what you eat

Literally feel your body and your senses as you eat. Not only will you enjoy your food more, you’ll begin to realize what food your body thrives on, and what food to avoid.

7. The Mindful Shower

The shower is the perfect time to practice mindfulness. Simply watch the beautiful water hit your skin and embrace the wonder and glory of it all!

6 Signs You’re An Earth Angel

You might know these types of people by a couple different names – either lightworkers, earth angels, or something similar. Maybe you even feel like one of these special people yourself.
Lightworkers literally have come here to spread and share their light as much as possible, and bring about positive change to this planet. They have no patience for hate, intolerance, violence, or oppression; these types just want everyone to live in harmony and move on from our current problems on Earth.
Lightworkers don’t resonate with much in the modern world; often, they feel like old souls who have come here once again to restore and renew the planet. They relate to the way the world worked when we lived off the land, in harmony with each other, the animals, and nature.
While they know that we probably won’t ever go back to that way of living, earth angels simply want us to live in peace with our world now. They want abundance, laughter, happiness, and joy for all, and are some of the most selfless people you will ever meet.
Earth angels want to align with pure, loving energy, and by doing so, help others to find their highest self in this lifetime. They want to transcend the problems and heartache, and live in true harmony with the Divine. They have good intentions for themselves and the planet, but often get frustrated with our current state of affairs.
If you feel like you might be an earth angel, but aren’t sure, read on to bring more clarity into your role on this planet.



Earth angels have obviously come here for a grand purpose, but saving the planet comes at a hefty cost. Sometimes, the Earth angel will feel overwhelmed by all the problems in the world, and feel as though they can’t ever come close to making a difference.
The Earth angel can get quite frustrated and tired of things on this Earth, and feel desperate for change. They don’t enjoy being around big crowds and loud people, as the conflicting energy can make them frazzled and anxious.
Earth angels also have high sensitivity to violence, hatred, and basically anything portrayed as negative by the media and news outlets. They tend to hide away in the comfort of their rooms much of the time, as a way to protect themselves from the hectic, overstimulating outside world.
f this sounds like you, then you might just be an Earth angel.


The lightworker, or Earth angel, loves spending time in solitude to recharge and rebalance their energies. Like we said in the first paragraph – these types of people get overwhelmed frequently by the world today, and use their time alone to heal and prepare themselves for the next encounter with the outside world.
They enjoy really digging deep into their psyche and healing parts of themselves that have been broken. Earth angels know that in order to change the world, they must change themselves, and work tirelessly to become the best version of themselves.2


Do you feel empathetic towards others, and want to help them through their problems? If so, you could be an Earth angel. These people would drop everything to help someone in need, as they have suffered themselves and don’t want to see anyone else hurting.
Lightworkers feel deeply connected to their fellow humans, and just want to provide solace to anyone who needs it. Earth angels understand how difficult and scary the world can seem at times, as we live in uncertainty almost constantly. Who knows what tomorrow may bring, but lightworkers know that they can make positive change today.
They live in the now, and want to make as much positive change for others as possible. Earth angels can relate to other people’s struggles, as they have likely been there before.


You don’t relate to worldly desires and the structured path. You don’t like the programmed, conditioned society we live in, and have never felt compelled to follow in other people’s footsteps. You want to make your own mark and live by your own rules, and don’t like people telling you what to do.
You feel called to do something more than what people consider “normal,” and couldn’t dream of living life being unfulfilled. Earth angels may feel a strong pull to do something in the field of humanitarianism, such as being a social worker, counselor, acupuncturist, or massage therapist. They see themselves as healers, and want jobs in fields where they can live out their passions.
You may even want to start your own business so you can free yourself of the structure and routine that comes along with having a normal job.


You probably don’t live life through the lens of logic, instead choosing to make decisions based on your emotions and intuition. Earth angels feel more deeply than others, and don’t really resonate with our extremely right-brained way of living in today’s society.
You connect with things that appeal to emotions, such as art, music, sharing stories, and connecting with others in a meaningful way. You allow your intuition to guide you in life, helping you to figure out each new step you take.
Earth angels trust that inner voice telling them what to do, as they know that the messages they receive have come from the Divine. They trust the universe to bring positive things and people into their lives, and know that intuition is the medium by which it speaks to them. They call on their spirit guides and angels for frequent assistance, and probably follow some sort of spiritual practice.


Most lightworkers and Earth angels can’t understand the world today. Why do we spend so much time working jobs we hate to afford things we don’t need? Why do jobs exist in the first place? Why do we continue to pollute our home and treat it like garbage, when it’s the only place we have to live? Why do we consume so much and give so little? Why do we have wars and racism? Why haven’t we evolved into a more civilized society?
These questions run through the minds of lightworkers and Earth angels everywhere, and in turn, they reject modern society based on the answers they receive. Many people call them hippies, but they just see caring for the planet and each other as normal, necessary parts of life.
Earth angels have realized that we cannot continue to live in a state of separation and isolation from one another; we absolutely need each other to survive. Earth angels just hope that we as a collective can come together and rejoice in the ultimate truth – that of our right to love, happiness, freedom, and abundance.
We have enough on this Earth for everyone to live happily and fully, but our own consciousness inhibits us from living this truth. Earth angels focus on spreading ancient wisdom in hopes of waking up people to our connectedness.
Earth angels spend a lot of time in nature, where they feel most comfortable and at home with themselves. They value nature and anything of the natural world, and steer clear of materialism, greed, corporations, voting, and anything that promotes separation and division.
If these signs resonated with you, then you are probably a lightworker yourself. It’s a tough path, but very rewarding in the end.
Whenever you feel frustrated and lost, simply remember your purpose, and remember that you didn’t come here to shrink down into what someone else wants you to become. You came here to shine brightly, and make an impact on this world.

There Are 7 Types Of Souls In The World! What Type Of Soul Are You?

Prior to our earthly journey, we pick a specific role to play. We don’t pick this role consciously, but rather as a type of energy that our soul intuitively chooses with a purpose to evolve even more.
This role shapes our entire journey and influences greatly in who we become. Our strengths and weaknesses go around this role, as well as the behaviors and attitudes we have towards others.
This role is described as a type of ‘soul.’ And there are seven different types of roles we possibly take on.
These are the roles of a Server, Artisan, Warrior, Scholar, Sage, Priest, and King. Each of these has its own flavor that helps us evolve in a certain way.
You can almost say that these are sides, like left, right, up, down, front and back, but on a higher dimensional level.
Each of these stretches your soul in a different direction so it can grow and expand.

What type of soul do you think you belong to?

1. The Server

The Server’s primary trait is being a natural caretaker. Servers seek to make the world better by doing everything in their capacity to help people ease their sufferings. They’re always on the lookout for those who are in need to offer a helping hand.
However, Server’s tend to be abused because of their excessive generosity. People forget that Servers are also humans who have their own needs. On the other side of the spectrum, they can be really manipulative.
They may be found in the medical fields or public service, such as social workers or politicians.
If you think you’re a Server, be not overwhelmed by trying to fix everyone’s problems.
Servers comprise 30% of the population.

2. The Artisan

The Artisan is a creative individual who is skilled in expressing the thoughts they came to ponder.
They enjoy being original and productive.
Artisans feel a primal urge to create something, ANYTHING. Their creations can range from handicrafts to a piece of poetry to a scientific theorem. While artisans thrive in the fine arts, their creative juice can be directed at anything.
Artisans are responsible for all the cool gadgets, stunning pieces of arts, and advancement in technology.
They form 22% of the population and are seen as the artists, engineers, architects, mechanics, and others who display considerable skills.

3. The Warrior

True to their name, the Warriors are the active type. They love to overcome challenges to achieve their goals and dreams.
They enjoy hard work and find delight in being rewarded for it. They have indomitable spirits and withstand thorough punishments.
Warriors typically have strong, muscular bodies that are ready to go to battle, either physically or idealistically. They often have low voices and appear grounded and solid.
Sometimes, they could be notorious and show short fumes and blunt attitudes which others find intimidating.
Warriors hold 17% of the population. They are the athletes, soldiers, and salesmen to name a few.

4. The Scholar

Scholars are naturally born curious. They enjoy accruing as much knowledge as possible. Because of this treat, they never struggle in the academic world.
They may be easygoing in nature, yet are found to be very methodical and adventurous in their intellectual pursuits. Scholars may go to great lengths to acquire knowledge about a subject, even endure personal sacrifice for the sake of knowledge.
Scholars are not fond of public displays of emotion and avoid conflict. Their cold gaze is the biggest tell-tale sign of their role. Others might perceive them as arrogant or too analytic.
They love to share what they’ve learned with others though.
We see them in the 13% of the population. They are comfortable in the fields of science, math, and research. Most of them are masters of a subject or teachers.

5. The Sage

Sages are typically charming people. They keep people entertained by their charisma that entices almost everyone. They love to be in public and express themselves through art, music, and dance.
When a sage smiles their eyes dance with an infectious playfulness. They are generally humorous in their observations and rarely miss an opportunity to tell a joke.
Sages are skilled assimilators of wisdom, wanting to comprehend the world around them and then share it. They are not always original thinkers, preferring to take ideas from others and add their own twist to them.
They could be arrogant when not given the proper attention and resort to dramatic tendencies in social circles.
10% of the population makes up these friendly and fun-loving folks. Sages are natural performers and make excellent actors, singers, and teachers. They improvise well.

6. The Priest

Priests raise people up. They enjoy the role of being a motivator and love to channel their inner strength to help others succeed.
They seek to raise consciousness and improve the world. Priests easily attract attention, either through their striking good looks or their fiery sermons. However, they are prone to having an inflated ego.
Priests are naturally compassionate, charismatic and draw a congregation to them, even if non-religious.
They bring inspiration and recognize the endless potential that people have. They inspire their followers to make positive changes in their lives.
These caring and compassionate individuals make 7% of the population. Most of them are public motivational speakers, coaches and spiritual teachers.

7. The King

Kings are naturally born leaders. They have a strong personality and are seen as assertive, commanding, making sure that things get done in a timely and almost perfect manner.
One key to identifying this type of soul is to look for an expression that seems concentrated, focused, and self-assured. King eyes are generally pointed, fixed, and unwavering in their directness.
Kings are so driven by mastery that they rarely abandon a task or new skill until they have completely mastered it. They are perfectionists and they demand their exacting standards from others.
They are good in problem-solving. Their drive for perfection makes them controlling, overbearing, and even merciless at times. They are adept at seeing the big picture and are excellent at delegating jobs to the right people.
They make 1% of the population. Most of them hold positions in government and politics, and the higher echelons of bureaucratic hierarchies due to their addiction to mastery, perfectionism and almost psychopathic action taking tendencies. Not all kings will hold thrones but they often rise to positions of leadership in their chosen profession.
Most of us have 2 or 3 of these types mixed together. However, one type of soul is always most dominant in a person! What type of soul do you think you most belong to? 

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