Although it may seem surprising, with only a picture, a card or a drawing … you can define aspects of your life and your personality, that you did not expect to have. take a deep breath and calmly look at the pictures of these cards for a brief moment.
Which one of these are you drawn to the most?
Scroll down to read the messages each one reveals.
Look carefully at the 8 cards and choose the one that appeals the most to you.
This pick encourages you to trust your inner guidance and to embrace the intuitive wisdom that resides within your soul. By drawing this card, you are being urged to honor your sensitivity at all times and to prioritize your premonitions and hunches above practicality and logic. This isn’t a time to be influenced by others’ opinions or to betray your inner guidance in order to fit in. Instead, you must trust your intuition, for it will never let you down. You are now being encouraged to spend quiet time alone. Nature and the outdoors will enhance your connection to Source and align your soul with Mother Earth.
Likewise, regular prayer, meditation, listening to beautiful music, mindful breathing, and exercises such as yoga or Qigong will enhance your intuition and help develop your clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient, and claircognizant abilities. In order to improve your current situation, you are being asked to adjust to, and harmonize with, the natural rhythm and cycles of your life — cycles that are encouraging you to trust your inner guidance.
When you’re indecisive and unsure, always go within, for your intuition knows the path that serves your greater good. When you trust in yourself and your connection to the Divine, you will synchronistically be led to where you need to be.
Animation: My intuition leads me to where I need to be.
This pick indicates a time of major transition and transformation that will result in significant personal growth. You have entered a period of spiritual awakening and rebirth, where you have the opportunity to align with your higher self and overarching principles that guide you.
There is where you surrender to the changes around you and prepare to be the best you can be. You are being encouraged to trust and believe that a magical future awaits, but first, you need to let go of the old in order to experience the new.
Take time to re-evaluate your core values and re-examine your life, then eliminate any superficial foundations that don’t align with your higher self and your dreams. This is a time to recognize and rise above any ego-based thoughts and behaviors, for humility and authenticity are the keys to your success. In order to improve your current situations, you are being asked to adjust to, and harmonize with, the natural rhythm and cycles of your life – cycles that are leading you toward a higher level of understanding and awareness. This transformation is inevitable, so know that this is a very exciting time . . . for you are about to become the best you can be.
Animation: Through personal transformation, I reach my greatest potential.
This pick indicates a need to exercise restraint and self-control in every area of your life. Perhaps you are overeating, drinking too much alcohol, smoking, overmedicating or taking drugs, overspending, exercising excessively, consuming too much sugar or coffee, gambling, worrying too much or obsessing over a problem, or otherwise overindulging or engaging in the obsessive or aggressive behavior. If so, this card serves as a gentle and loving reminder that behaviors such as these can delay the manifestation of your dreams.
This card also indicates a need to balance your desire for freedom and adventure with your responsibilities, because by honoring your commitments, you will prevent the buildup of karmic debt. By choosing to live as your higher self rather than giving in to your lower tendencies, you align with Source and the intentions of your soul. Everybody has a shadow side that needs to be acknowledged, embraced and loved.
But when you learn to rise above it, you can make your dreams come true. In order to improve your current situation, you are being asked to adjust to, and harmonize with, the natural rhythm and cycles of your life—cycles that are encouraging you to exercise temperance and moderation. Have the courage to seek professional—or Divine— assistance if needed. You don’t have to go it alone; you can call upon your heavenly helpers for inner strength and courage.
Animation: With temperance and moderation, I create balance in my life.
This pick indicates a need to take a timeout from your busy schedule and the hustle and bustle of life. Perhaps you’ve been working too hard or have a lot going on. Maybe you’ve been tired, irritable, and anxious, or just generally feeling unwell. If you’ve been under stress of any kind or have been spending time in a negative or toxic environment, you must remove yourself from the situation to heal and recharge.
This is the perfect time to take a vacation. Even a day or two away will revitalize and recharge your soul. You don’t necessarily need to leave your home; you could laze around the house and unplug your computer and phone. Having an energy healing, massage, or facial; soaking in a hot bath; taking a walk in nature; watching a movie, and reading a good book are perfect ways to unwind, center yourself, and feel a sense of renewal. In order to improve your current situation, you are being asked to adjust to, and harmonize with, the natural rhythm and cycles of your life—cycles that are encouraging you to take time out for you.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, uncertain, or confused, the answers will present themselves during your quiet time. Clarity comes from silence, and order follows peace. So step away from the stress and find your inner sanctuary.
Animation: I take time out for myself and rebalance my body and my life.
This pick indicates a time when a significant spiritual relationship is about to be forged. Perhaps it comes in the form of a friendship between like-minded souls on a similar journey toward enlightenment. Or maybe it’s a master/disciple relationship where an important individual enters your life. The saying goes, “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear,” and when yours arrives, he or she will assist you in expanding your spiritual growth. During the course of this relationship, you will play the role of both teacher and student, and the wisdom gained from this experience will enhance your connection to Source.
Perhaps a spiritually minded person will broaden your understanding of the Divine. Maybe you become a catalyst in another’s spiritual journey and help that individual on his or her path. Regardless of the form, this spiritual relationship takes, it will serve your greater good.
In order to improve your current situation, you are being asked to adjust to, and harmonize with, the natural rhythm and cycles of your life—cycles that are leading you toward a significant spiritual relationship. So pay attention to the speakers, teachers, and authors whose teachings you respect. Be on the lookout for people on a journey similar to your own. Embrace the opportunity to enhance your spiritual growth.
Animation: Through a sacred spiritual relationship, I deepen my connection to Source.
This pick indicates a need to surrender your attachment to a particular situation or preferred outcome because your inability to let go is impeding your success. Desperation blocks manifestation; therefore, the more you struggle to attract your desire, the more you push it away. By drawing this card, you are being encouraged to detach from the situation and surrender the outcome to the Divine. In order to attract what you want, you must give the Universe space to deliver your request.
This can only be achieved by getting out of the way so that everything can unfold as it should. It isn’t your job to “make” it happen; it is simply your job to allow it to happen. When you surrender the outcome to the Divine, you let the magic flow. In order to improve your current situation, you are being asked to adjust to, and harmonize with, the natural rhythm and cycles of your life—cycles that are encouraging you to let go, trust, and surrender.
Make peace with your life as it is today, and appreciate what you already have. When you do what brings you joy rather than fret about the end result, Divine order and timing will bring the perfect outcome your way.
Animation: I receive the best possible outcome when I surrender to the Divine.
This card indicates a need to reconnect with your creative side to improve your quality of life and align yourself with Source. By drawing this card, you are being encouraged to step out of your practice, logical mind and the seriousness of life in order to partake in lighthearted endeavors that are stimulating and fun. A playful creative expression is important because it raises your vibration, which brings you closer to your dreams.
This is a time to immerse yourself in any creative endeavor that lifts your spirits and makes you feel good. It might take the form of playing a musical instrument, painting, writing, cooking, jewelry making, decorating, sewing, photography, landscaping, dancing, or designing—it doesn’t matter what it is as long as it brings you joy. Through playful creative expression, you can heal disharmony in your body . . . and disharmony in your life. In order to improve your current situation, you are being asked to adjust to, and harmonize with, the natural rhythm and cycles of your life —cycles that are encouraging you to express yourself creatively.
It’s now time to use your imagination and see the world through the eyes of a child. For in rediscovering the creativity of your youth, you will rediscover the magic in your life.
Animation: Through playful creative expression, I make my dreams come true
This pick indicates a time to keep moving forward as you strive to achieve your hopes and dreams— because, despite your current challenges, success is well within your reach. You are never given more than you can handle, and you have the strength and ability to make it through . . . so face your challenges head-on with determination, courage, and faith. With perseverance and persistence, you can make your dreams come true. By drawing this card, you are being encouraged to cultivate mental resilience and stability, since a calm and stable mind creates a calm and stable life.
Make yourself aware of the negative thoughts and beliefs that are currently influencing you, and muster up the strength to develop a positive state of mind. In order to improve your current situation, you are being asked to adjust to, and harmonize with, the natural rhythm and cycles of your life—cycles that are encouraging you to persevere through your obstacles and challenges. Call for heavenly assistance when you need it, and have faith in your ability to create an exceptional life.