Empaths Attract these 4 Types of Narcissists. Is there One in Your Life?

Because empaths care so deeply, they are often taken advantage of. Those with an agenda may seek out an empath and use him/her to get ahead, satisfy their own desires, or gain a certain image or status. It’s common for an empath to end up in a relationship that leads to feeling drained and used. Narcissists often feel a pull toward empaths. Narcissists are at the other end of the spectrum, but they can often disguise themselves as charming and attractive, in order to gain an empath’s trust, then take what they want or need. Learning to protect yourself is an important part of being an empath.

Are you unconsciously attracting unwanted narcissists?

There are two main types of narcissists: Vulnerable Narcissists and Invulnerable Narcissists, along with four sub-types. Let’s break them down

1. Vulnerable Narcissists

A vulnerable narcissist is typically very sensitive. They tend to be shy or quiet by nature to disguise their own feelings of self-hatred and unhappiness. They often overcompensate by putting on a mask and playing a character that is completely different from how they’re actually feeling. They want to feel special and put their own feelings above others. They are primarily motivated by the fear of rejection and abandonment. A vulnerable narcissist doesn’t authentically love or care for anyone, and they use emotional manipulation as a tool to gain sympathy and attention from others.

2. Invulnerable Narcissist

An invulnerable narcissist is highly self-confident, cold and has no sympathy for others. They seek power, recognition and pleasure above anything else. They often believe themselves to be superior to everyone else, and they have a inner need to make sure that everyone knows it. An invulnerable narcissist craves power and doesn’t care who they step on in order to get ahead.egocentric

Sub-type #1: The Amorous Narcissist

An amorous narcissist uses sexual conquests to gauge self-worth. This type of person uses his or her charm to gain trust and attention from someone, then wants nothing to do with that person once he/she becomes “too boring” for their liking. Amorous narcissists are often labeled gold-diggers, heart-breakers or players. They use others to gain a desired image or status in order to please their own wants and needs.

Sub-type #2: The Compensatory Narcissist

This type of narcissist is driven by a past trauma. They love to create larger-than-life illusions of themselves and their achievements in order to gain power and control. They tend to hunt out those who are emotionally vulnerable, hoping they will serve as an audience to their games. Compensatory narcissists are often extremely sensitive to criticism, and their tools of choice are emotional abuse and manipulation.

Sub-type #3: The Elitist Narcissist

An elitist narcissist will do anything to get to the top. They want to win and be in control of others. They believe that they are better than everyone else, so they deserve special treatment. They have a clear sense of entitlement that can be seen in all aspects of their lives. This type of person is a bragger and a one-upper with a need to be the best and prove that they are superior in every way.

Sub-type #4: The Malignant Narcissist

Malignant narcissists show similar behavior to a psychopath or someone with antisocial personality disorder. They have no boundaries when it comes to moral versus immoral behavior, and they feel no remorse for their actions. They are often arrogant and enjoy outsmarting others. This type of narcissist can easily become dangerous.
Learn how to safely deal with narcissists in the video below!

The Animal You See First Reveals Who You Are!

If You Saw The Cobra:

Seeing the Cobra first indicates you're a very well integrated person. You're a great mix of brains, heart, and emotions! You never lose your cool, yet you're not all wrapped up in yourself. If more people had your balanced personality we'd all get along better!

If You Saw The Bat:

In all the ways that matter you are a very strong person: you have an inner core of resolve and strong morals. However, people don't read that way because you're also in-touch with your emotions! You also can feel the emotions of those around in a strong way and you're extremely good at "reading" people!

If You Saw The Lion:

You're a self-reliant and independent person. You have a strong need to be free and follow your own heart AND you actually thrive when left to pursue the kind of life YOU believe to be best for yourself. You truly flourish when given the opportunity to be yourself without too many rules and regulations.

If You Saw The Tiger:

You're an open minded person who always sees what other's don't. You're an understanding person who doesn't judge people harshly, but always tries to understand what they are going through. You don't get off on gossiping or making other people feel bad, you have possess a natural kindness that you share around.

If You Saw The Wolf:

You're a problem solver who can win at life by relying on your natural gifts and inborn talents. Your mind is a beautiful thing that works in a way different from others, this makes you great at giving advice and helping others. You can see the way through any situation, so people need to hear your take!

If You Saw The Baby Owl:

You're a natural born leader and you're great at inspiring and guiding other people without being bossy. Life works best for you if you're left alone to follow your heart and if you don't have someone trying to control you or push you down with a bunch of rules or negative feedback.

If You Saw The Puppy:

You can't help but be kind to others! It's just simply in your nature. You don't have to go out of your way to be nice, you were born a nurturing person. And others can feel this about you as soon as they meet you--you have a powerfully positive energy that people love to be around!

source: en.vonvon

5 Signs You Are a Precognitive Empath

Precognition is also called future vision. It is the psychic ability to know the future. Anyone could be a precognitive empath. It could be your gift by birth, or you can develop this ability by practising and opening your mind to extrasensory perception.
The development of any psychic ability requires patience, lots of faith, an open mind and a good heart. Here are some most common signs that you are a precognitive empath:
Precognitive dreams become common:
The number 1 sign of being a precognitive empath is to see dreams which turn into reality. These dreams could be of two types: either you can see what is exactly going to happen or you get the signal of the future through symbols or other indicators.
When you see the exact situation, things remain easy; but deciphering the symbolic dreams is not easy. Precognitive dreams are not ordinary dreams, and they will always wake you up from the deep sleep; sometimes, with heavy breathing.
It also happens that when you wake up during the night after seeing the future, you remember your dream at that time and then you completely forget in the morning what you have seen at night.
The classic idea is to keep a journal beside your bed and write down the dream right away to read it in the morning. Most people own a smartphone these days, which makes it easy to record your dream.
Your instincts are correct:
Most of the time, you just know who is on the call, before you see the number; or you know what the person is going to say next and so on and on. When you just know things before they occur, you are a precognitive empath.
Anxiety is your new friend:
You feel anxious suddenly when you get the hunch that something bad is going to happen. You just know it in your head, and you don’t know what to do. Even you get the special feeling of what is about to happen with the person; you are unable to tell them.
It is not the bad idea to call them and ask how they are and tell them just to be careful today; you are getting some bad feelings. That’s all.
Déjà vu turns more mysterious:
It happens to you a lot. Now and then, you think that this has happened before. Déjà vu is the experiencing of the event again. When you are in a situation, and you feel that you have already seen or done that thing before.
Your perception is heightened
You do not perceive things from your five senses only but your mind as well. You can detect the minor change in the energy or vibrations around you.  You can also easily sense the emotions of others. Also, you have become highly sensitive. All these are the signs that you are a precognitive empath.
Knowing the future can be a blessing and a menace at the same time. Because nothing can make you uneasy more than an adverse event that is waiting for you around the corner and you know you can’t do anything about it. However, it is amazing in its way when you know something pleasant is coming.
source: spiritualunite

Test: Select A Card – Are You Being Called To Step Outside Of Your Routine?

This week we are called to step outside of our comfy routines and thought processes and keep our minds and hearts open to changes in our routines. The more flexible we are to changing things up, the more content and pleased we will become with our personal accomplishments, our relationships and our paths.

9 of Wands Reversed

Even though you may feel as if you already are complete with your processes, be prepared to change things up a bit…you will be glad you did. There may be a few do-overs that may surprise you.

6 of Wands Reversed

This card has similar energy as the 9 of Wands. Be flexible, don’t sweat it and remain optimistic as you apply new methods of thinking and doing into your life.

The Hanged Man

It’s finally time to release and let go of the unhealthy and limiting habits, thoughtforms and routines that you know are holding you back from standing in your own power, light, fulfillment and joy. 9 times out of 10 we already have an awareness that we are self sabotaging or that we are limiting our own potential.
source: awakeningpeople

TEST: What Did You See First? Reveals The Very Best Aspects Of Your Personality

What do you see first? The answer will tell you the very best aspects of your personality. Ready to see what your best traits are?
Let’s find out how your interpretation of the world influences your inner-self. Take a look at these pictures to learn something about yourself you might not have known before.
The first thing you see in this picture will reveal the truth about who you really are! Remember, it’s not to be taken too seriously, but it can shine some light onto your personality.
You have a mysterious charm and a keen artistic eye. Also, you are known for your great observation skills. You like to take in and appreciate everything around you, and you take note of the little things. You are considered kind and have a witty sense of humour.
However, you are might have too much pride, and can be wishy-washy when it comes to making decisions.
A butterfly
You have a unique personality and you always make quick and clear decisions. You are also great at solving problems- for yourself and your friends. Everyone comes to you with their troubles, and your unique perspective always gives wonderful advice.
However, you can sometimes be overly-strict with people you consider to be “difficult.” Learning patience and empathy will help with this.
Blade of grass
You have excellent learning and analytical skills. Others see you as a smart and organized person. You are good at keeping your thoughts on track, and separating your mind from your heart. You like to manage your own way- systematically and analytically.
However, you tend to be a perfectionist whose biggest fear is making a mistake. Relax, and try not to be so hard on yourself.
A skull
You have great observations skills are an excellent communicator, whether you realize it or not. You are the mediator between friends when one is needed. Everyone loves you because you are a warm-hearted person who gives all of yourself, all of the time.
However, you need to remember to take time for yourself and focus some of that attention inward as well.
source: Mysticalraven

6 Psychic Empath Types: Which One Are You?

It’s no secret that empaths are powerful people with a unique gift. They might not even know this, but depending on their type (yes, there are different empath types), they possess certain psychic abilities.
Usually empaths are born to posses psychic abilities, but sometimes they develop them through time. A psychic empath abilities go way beyond than just sensing how others are feeling. They catch information from a much wider spectrum.
Interestingly enough, a psychic empath can have one or all of these psychic abilities. Are you an empath? Read below to see if you possess any of these psychic gifts.

1. Claircognizant Empath

These empaths have the ability to understand any situation. They instantly can spot deception and when false information is being provided to them. Not only that, but a claircognizant empath has the psychic ability to know how to solve that situation.

2. Telepathic Empaths

Telepathy is a highly advanced psychic ability to be able to communicate with your mind. People who fall into this empath type can read minds and know what’s lurking in their deepest thoughts. Not only people, but they are able to understand animals and plants.

3. Psychometric Empaths

If you can receive information from inanimate objects, such as jewelry, photographs, fabrics – then you’re a psychometric empath. When you touch an object, you can immediately receive information in the form of scents, visions, tastes and emotions.
This is a very unique psychic ability that’s able to tell you the past history of any object that you touch. You can even solve a mystery because of the overwhelming information that you’re receiving such as past owners, how the objects was handled and certain events regarding that object.

4. Precognitive Empaths

Have you ever felt a situation before it actually occurred? If you repeatedly have, you might be a precognitive empath. What’s special about these types of psychic empaths is that these premonitions usually manifest in their dreams.
This psychic ability can be practiced so you can avoid bad situations and walk through better paths in life.

5. Geomantic Empaths

Have you ever felt that you’re strongly connected with the Earth? Geomantic empaths have the ability to receive certain energetic vibrations from the Earth’s soil, plants, rocks or air. These empaths get a strong gut feeling that a natural disaster is about to happen.
They can also detect bad weather and warn their loved ones to go to safety. Animals also have this ability, which causes them to search for safety before a disaster happens.

6. Medium Empaths

A medium empath has a strong psychic ability to see through time. Looking into the past or future is no issue for the medium empath. Usually, this gift is from their birth but grows stronger through time and practice.
What’s also amazing is that medium empaths have the ability to communicate with beings from other times or dimensions. And while many people ask medium empaths to solve their problems, their psychic skill isn’t strong at all times.
They can’t solve their problems, let alone other people’s (no matter how hard they try). Remember, if you have any of these abilities make sure you practice and learn to control them on and off, like you’re switching them.
In order to stay emotionally balanced, remember to devote time alone so you can drain the overload of information that’s being presented to you.

Women With This Zodiac Sign Are Not Ordinary, Men Get Instantly Addicted To Them

All women have the beauty and sensuality to drive men crazy, but according to astrologist’s women in this Zodiac sign in particular have the power to lure any man with their magnetism. This causes an addiction similar to a drug. Her enchanting charm makes every man crazy. Women in this Zodiac sign are compared with goddesses and angels, a true epitome of beauty. Her psychic abilities allow her to uncover any mask anyone is holding in front of her. Are you this mysterious sign?

It’s impossible not to love her

Her love is very mysterious, and she can lure any man and enchant him with her beauty. This intense and ultra feminine sign is twelfth in the Zodiac of the horoscope ruled by the planet Neptune and brings feminine energy to women in Pisces.
Her love can be so intoxicating and intense that causes her to be bitter-sweet at times. Even if you parted ways with her, she will always be in the back of your mind as the one who got away. Her easygoing spirit makes her flow with the water. When she looks in your eyes, you freeze and forget what’s happening around you.

She’s an old soul and has been on this planet before

She bares deep wisdom and understands her partners to another capacity which distinguishes her from all the other Zodiac signs. If you’re in this sign the you certainly understand this better than anyone. She has an ability to understand without hearing an explanation and loves unconditionally, making it impossible to not be addicted to her.

She’s a free spirited seductress

She’s known to act more and speak less. Pisces women generally are attracted to men who appear strong on the outside. She often does small seductive things that drives men crazy, from letting her hair down from a ponytail to touching someones hand unexpectedly at a party. These things make men addicted slowly to her. While she does like a long and steady relationship, Pisces women know to have short romantic flings and affairs from time to time. It’s really hard for them to avoid this because romance is in their soul.

Material things mean nothing to her

Pisces is the final sign in the Zodiac and represents the highest conscious state of human evolution. Her free spirit transcends the illusion of the material world and teaches us to unify the greater things in life. Similar to the serpent biting its own tail, which represents the infinite spiritual life, Pisces represents the same thing.
It unifies all of the characteristics of the 11 Zodiac signs that come before it,which makes Pisces a cocktail of all of the Zodiac signs. One trait that distinguishes the Pisces woman is her level of sensitivity and having learned the lessons of all 11 signs (and hers as well, too).  Being eternally romantic is in their nature. Which means they never fall short in the romantic department because it’s vital for them. She loves to be wine and dined. Her old soul loves to be taken out to the theater or ballet.

Choose A Crystaline Shape To Reveal Unresolved Karma From A Past Life

Have you ever noticed that there are certain areas in your life that you continue to be challenged with no matter how much you try to work at these challenges? It is quite possible that you are working through karma from another lifetime that your soul chose to heal and complete in this lifetime.
Once we have insight as to what the karmic theme is, we are able to understand why we are experiencing some of the difficulties that have been a theme throughout our lives. There are several general themes that people are here to work through such as; trust, self-worth, poverty, health, spiritual beliefs and healthy relationships just to name a few.

Select the Crystalline Shape That You Resonate With To Find Out What Your Unresolved Karmic Theme Is
If you chose…
1. Letting Go and Moving On From Unhealthy Relationships
In a past life, you spent most of your time alone, isolated and felt abandoned by others. This is why you cherish your relationships and will do anything to prevent the dissolution of any relationship. You sometimes can only see the good or the potential for that person and it is difficult for you to let go of that ideal when the relationship becomes out of balance and unfortunately, sometimes toxic. When this happens to you, you tend to hold on and fight for the relationship longer than what is necessary and or healthy. This is due to your fear of being alone or not having the approval of others. Learning how to identify the red flags and warning signs will save you pain, heartache, and disappointment. The challenge may be in any or all your of relationships; family, friends, romantic, and or co-workers.
2. Second Guessing Yourself and Self Sabotaging Yourself and Goals
In a past life, you took many leaps of faith and those not well-thought-out leaps brought unfortunate results for you. Your decisions had put yourself and others in danger financially and physically. These mistakes caused you to not trust yourself during a previous life and have carried over into the present lifetime. There are several ways to work through this issue such as; taking your time with your decisions, documenting all of the successful and wise decisions and actions you have made in the recent past. Another suggestion is to not ask too many people for their opinions and advice. Seeking too much guidance outside of yourself will cause you more confusion.
3. Difficulty With Trusting In Others 
In a previous lifetime, you were the victim of deception and dishonesty many times over. The deception has caused you to be guarded and at times confused with what to trust with whom and because of that confusion, you may have placed your faith in others who have betrayed you. In this lifetime, you will and have attracted people who will test your faith and trust in them. The key is to pay attention to your gut feelings and to believe people when they show you exactly who they are. The signs are always there, maybe not at the beginning but there are always there for us to see. It is always best to take your time warming up to people as you build relationships with them. After 3 months, you will know exactly where their integrity is and you can then make your decision as to whether they are worthy to be in your inner or outer circle, friends or acquaintance.

Your Finger Shape Reveals Your Personality

A. Finger.

If you have an A finger, you tend to hid your feelings away. You act stronger and more independent than you are and construct an image for people to have of you. You tend to be fair and don't like liars. You can be emotional but tend to lean toward kindness.
Your life is filled with laughter and you have a big heart, even if your outer shell is a little bit hard. You can also be a little bit eccentric from time to time.

B. Finger.

If you have a B finger, you're not exactly confident in yourself. You have trouble approaching people, especially strangers. You fall in love easily and are loyal, giving the important people in your life your full attention.

Even though you aren't terribly outgoing, tenacious is your middle name. Once you set your mind to something, you do it without fear of failure or being hurt.

C. Finger.

If you have a C finger, you're the world's angel. You are emotionally touched rather easily and let go of things that make you angry without hesitation. Unfairness is met with a severe reaction from you and you can come off a bit overbearing. You're the ultimate softie. You just want to save the world and make sure everyone has a good time.

source: vonvon.me

The Man Outside Or inside the house? Answer Will Reveal Your Personality

In the present personality test, you will have to observe the drawing that we offer you in the inferior part and attend to the perspectives and your impression of them. In what place is the man sitting and leaning on the table? Inside the house or outside? As you can see, it is a special painting that points to a kind of interior with walls strangely from the outside. There is no good or bad answer, it will simply reveal something of your interior that until now remained hidden.

Inside the home

This means that you are a human being who does not seek conflicts at any time, but rather you want to seek agreements between conflicting parties and you do not choose to settle for any side since you do not believe in "war" (unless it is totally essential). Your temperament is quite complex, and not many people go deep into your mind to understand you. That's why misunderstandings are occasional... 
You prefer calm before any irrelevant "storm". Sometimes you stand out for your sagacity, without just showing it, with simple gestures. Many close beings know of this and how well you can hear them and do not hesitate to ask you about their problems. You know how to think beyond many adverse circumstances, and you do not let yourself be defeated at any time. A great potential to solve wrongs that you prefer not to use much.

Outside the house

If, on the contrary, you see our protagonist on the outside, surely indicate that you are a being who appreciates honesty and frankness above all things. A priority that you keep as a treasure, despite what others may think or the problems you can get into since truth hurts and stings. This is why you also have friends as enemies…
Consequently, you know how to convey your opinions, ideas, and emotions to others without barely censoring anything out of fear, you prefer that they understand you without problems. You do not like to depend on anyone and you think that in order for something to work out, you better do it on your own. However, you value teamwork to reach shared goals in any field. If you persevere you will be able to opt for a position of importance leading to faithful employees...

In and out of the house

You are a highly original and creative being. Your imagination does not get bored at any moment of your life, nor do you allow the same thing to happen to your relatives. You also characterize yourself for your sense of humor, because your wit often amuses others by punctuating and pointing in a humorous way to the absurdity of life. Even if they are angry with you, you will make them laugh irreparably, it is the gift with which you were born, and everyone knows…
Also, you could say that you have a clinical eye, a sharp perception to see things as they are. The little details mean a lot in your routine and sometimes you seem exaggerated for others, but it is necessary for you to find your peace and harmony. This is how your empathy is also deep, and you can understand your loved ones by putting yourself in their place. Although you do not get used to opening yourself, your true friends love you and count on you for anything…
So we come to the end of our psychological test, we hope that we have inspired or at least entertained you. What do you think? Were you surprised by the information about your interior? Tell us, we are interested. Before concluding we must communicate that the descriptions seen in the previous sections lack the scientific basis, as they have not been reviewed by a person skilled in the art. They will then have to be the users that judge their validity…

From Which Tap Does The Water Run Faster? Your Answer Will Reveal How Smart You Are!!!

The gifted person can reach a score of 140 points, while the considered "geniuses" can reach even 160; Evidently, less than 1% of the population has enough mental capacity to enter into this so exalted section. This test will help you to know what kind of genius lives in you: not all human beings stand out in the field of knowledge nor have the same intelligence. But you will see how intelligent you are and what you have to do to develop your skill. 
Choose one of the faucets and be amazed!

Number 1

In case this was your response, you are so lucky. Around 35% of the respondents decided that the water would undoubtedly fall faster in this pipe, so these are their results: you are an evolutionary genius, that is, you have not yet reached the absolute limit of your genius. Since childhood, you stood out among your school friends for your incredible wisdom, but the truth is that even today everyone shows admiration for your speed of mind!
It is true that you need to carry out some exercises weekly so that your mind remains prodigious, but you will not have problems to reach in the future a figure close to 140 points. Testing, puzzles, hobbies and even some tests on the net could be your best allies when it comes to developing your mind. You need to take care of your social life a bit since you are slowly leaving it aside: it is great to be a genius, but it is even better to share your experiences with someone...

Number 2

You were born with an impressive virtue. You know it and do not hesitate to take advantage of it to fulfil your future goals and dreams. What are we talking about? Nothing less than intuition. You do not miss anything and your decisions are often the most accurate... You know well enough when to act, what kind of people to approach and even what issues to tackle when it comes to success! For you, a look is enough to keep you in the record of what is happening around you: you pay close attention to the small details and that is vital!
It is possible that the people around you do not understand very well that they are in front of one of the greatest geniuses that exist. One of your main skills is to pass your exams without just studying: "How do you do this?" Some may wonder. You cannot give them an answer, but deep inside you know that you do not need to prepare something to have extensive knowledge of it. There is no doubt that your future is full of success... Work hard and you will have Einstein's Intellectual Coefficient!

Number 3

There are people who are not born precisely with an amazing intelligence, but thanks to hard work, effort and endless study days they can develop incredible skills. You are these type of person. As you well know, dedication is the key to success: when you were young, while other children had a good time, you stayed at home watching documentaries and increasing your knowledge, reading scientific journals and even appreciating the greatest discoveries of some of the geniuses important in history.
There is no doubt that you are a great person. With the passage of time, you have learned to handle all kinds of situations, since your past experiences have helped you to know more the world around you. Many of those around you praise and acknowledge your work: if they have a problem do not doubt that they will count on you to solve it quickly. Even if you're a little lonely sometimes, you're one of the best friends they can have.

Number 4

This section defines people who are clever by nature. They are called "relaxed geniuses," meaning they can have everything they want or solve the most difficult issues with a simple snap of their fingers. For them, nothing is impossible, and that may be due to the fact that if they are challenged they could reach the high number of 160 points in their IQ. If you have chosen this answer, you will probably have realized that it costs you nothing to be a master in any science or art.
While some of your close friends spend endless days studying in the library and wiring their brains to get the best grades possible, you just need to take a look at your notes to reach success. Your motto is: "If you want, you can", and that applies to your daily life. Your talent is overwhelming, so much so that you could even present yourself to some television contests: with a little luck, you could take the final prize! 

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