Pick a card and get quick and simple way to get insight into the past, present, and future. There are many variations on the 3 card tarot spread, including the past life tarot spread, but this is one of the most common and useful (in my opinion!) spread. This spread also works great with oracle cards if you prefer using those.
1. Past
Energies and events that are in the past yet still affect you
How your past either holds you back (blocks) or helps you move forward (growth)
What you need to take from the past and use to your advantage today
The Lovers card is about love, relationship and forming a pair. But we have to see the question also, in which context this card has come. The Lovers Card in Career Reading shows your passion and attachment towards your work. One feels very connected with work and loves it. The Lovers card in career reading can also show the possibility of doing a partnership. It also shows one may be doing a dream job. One may be very enthusiastic about the job. Since this card came in past position, it shows how much you love doing your work.
2. Present
What is going on for you right now, The energy of the present moment, Opportunities and challenges that are currently being presented to you
Seven of wands in a career reading, if it comes is a good card. It shows the character and determination. This card came in the present position. This card shows the effort that the lady is putting in. here, a person loves the challenges and will give her best. It also shows a person is ambitious. A person would try to remain on the top.
3. Future
The outcome of the situation, The direction that things seem to be moving in, What you are wanting
In future career reading, 8 of cups card came. This is not a good card as we can see a person walking away in the card. There are disappointment and uncertainty. Eight of cups in career reading, if it comes shows the possibility of a change of career or even taking a break from a career. A person may be turning back due to some emotional reasons.
1. Past
Energies and events that are in the past yet still affect you
How your past either holds you back (blocks) or helps you move forward (growth)
What you need to take from the past and use to your advantage today
The Lovers card is about love, relationship and forming a pair. But we have to see the question also, in which context this card has come. The Lovers Card in Career Reading shows your passion and attachment towards your work. One feels very connected with work and loves it. The Lovers card in career reading can also show the possibility of doing a partnership. It also shows one may be doing a dream job. One may be very enthusiastic about the job. Since this card came in past position, it shows how much you love doing your work.
2. Present
What is going on for you right now, The energy of the present moment, Opportunities and challenges that are currently being presented to you
Seven of wands in a career reading, if it comes is a good card. It shows the character and determination. This card came in the present position. This card shows the effort that the lady is putting in. here, a person loves the challenges and will give her best. It also shows a person is ambitious. A person would try to remain on the top.
3. Future
The outcome of the situation, The direction that things seem to be moving in, What you are wanting
In future career reading, 8 of cups card came. This is not a good card as we can see a person walking away in the card. There are disappointment and uncertainty. Eight of cups in career reading, if it comes shows the possibility of a change of career or even taking a break from a career. A person may be turning back due to some emotional reasons.