If you chose butterfly number 1
You are a bright and a positive person. People are drawn to you, like butterflies to the light. You have a sincere and warm soul, in which there is room for everyone.
You don't think so much about yourself, you do a lot for others. The universe advises you to pay more attention to yourself and to satisfy yourself because when you smile, the whole world smiles.
If you chose the butterfly number 2
You are a creative person, who has many talents and abilities. You have a vulnerable soul, although very few people know about it. You go through life laughing. Your main enemy is doubt and disbelief in yourself. The universe advises you to rely more on your strengths and to trust your heart.
If you chose butterfly number 3
You are a sensitive person, and you have some connections to another world. You have a strong intuition. You can feel whether the person is good or not. You are very sincere. Therefore it is difficult to communicate with you. The universe advises you not to be upset because of the actions of other people, but to search "your own" people, with whom you can fully open your soul without fear.
If you chose butterfly number 4
Your mood changes very often, sometimes you can be gentle, sometimes strong. People fall in love with you very often, but you fall in love rarely and forever. The universe advises you not to pay attention to the sad little things of life. Surround yourself with beautiful objects, surround yourself with good people and everything will be fine.