In ancient times it was believed that the wonderful transformation of the butterfly was very similar to the journey of the soul of a body to a spiritual body.
The butterfly is a symbol of immortality, reincarnation, and resurrection. It is the symbol of total transformation, it represents the need for change and greater freedom and at the same time represents courage.
The characteristics of your favorite butterfly will reveal aspects of your personality and your peculiarities under the emotional aspect.
This is a simple but unusual test based on the human subconscious. Simply choose a butterfly in the image below and find out what your subconscious can reveal about you.
You are an open person to new things that can come to life. You characterize being an honest and loving individual, who can show authentic interest in others. People feel comfortable when it is with you. Are you recognized in the description? Share with your friends and do not forget to lean on a Like on the Facebook page.
You are an interesting person and in some remarkable ways, as you know how to express yourself very well. The problem is that on certain occasions you do not sufficiently value your inner self. Sometimes you doubt about yourself and feel the feelings of shyness that persecute you.
You are a passionate and emotional person. You characterize yourself as a good, logical and orderly observer who likes things well done. Your creative focus comes to surprise many people, but when it comes to communicating with you, it does not seem to be a very easy task. Setting up spaces to calm your agitated mind, will do well to your life.
You are afraid to express your feelings. You prefer to remain silent or meditate. You can get a lot of fear of failure because most of your security is based on your successes and for this reason you work very hard with the risk of compromising your physical and mental health. Your main challenge lies in learning to recognize that you are far more than your achievements and accept that you are a wonderful person.
On some occasions, they tend to be a little childish and vulnerable. I want the attention of others and probably this means that you have not been able to express your feelings for a long time, so why do not you feel at the command of your life. Try to be a firmer person who is able to say and motivate what he really believes in so your experiences will be much richer, more satisfying and happy.
It turns out to be very unpredictable. Sometimes you are very active, others the exact opposite. You can feel happy and within a few sad moments. This is due to your high sensitivity, it is likely that on certain occasions you feel the need to isolate you, to stay away from the world. These breaks will do very well to your life, your work, your relationships with other people, and help you connect with your true essence.
Sometimes you do not trust others and you also suspect people closest to you. This attitude brings people to the right distance from you. Remember that you can not live without trusting others, because staying alone causes development difficulties in any environment. We depend on others, so ensuring honesty is one of the keys to having healthy personal relationships.
You characterize being a very sociable person who needs to be in constant contact with people, sharing and doing activities, or simply conversing. You need constant emotions and you like to live intensely. You like parties and fun, you have many friends and you enjoy the time you spend with them.