5 Signs You’ve Walked This Earth Before and Are Reincarnated (#2 Will Surprise You)

To put it simply, reincarnation (rebirth) is the belief that energy is not destroyed upon death. It just moves onto another life form. Our souls do not leave this Earth but seek out a new host.

This belief is around three thousand years old. It is most popular in India, Thailand, Japan, and China. One belief that comes with reincarnation is that each of us has lived many lives before this one and that we have the ability to remember them.
If you think you have been reincarnated, or are simply curious, then I encourage you to read through these five signs.


Everyone has dreams, but if yours are more powerful than others then it may just be a memory. It is easier for our memories of past lives to reveal themselves in our dreams. Any reoccurring dream that you have is probably a memory in disguise.


Déjà vu is an extremely popular phenomenon. There are several explanations for this that range from a neurological dissonance, to proof of overlapping parallel universes. It is also possible that déjà vu is us experiencing a memory from one of our past lives.


A lot of people suffer from irrational phobias, fears that seem to exist for no apparent reason. Some people believe that memories from past lives stick with us through fear. If you were killed by a snake in a past life, it is possible that you will suffer from an irrational fear of snakes in this life.


There are cases of young kids having bizarre memories that the family swears did not happen. Sometimes these memories turn out to be insanely accurate. Maybe a little boy has a memory of being murdered, and this memory leads investigators right to the body of a man murdered years ago? That is all the proof of reincarnation that I need. If you have memories that do not seem to be real, then they may actually be from a completely different life.


Intuition is the ability to “tap” into an innate knowledge. It is believed that the more mature our souls become, the easier it is for us to draw upon this universal knowledge. If you have strong intuition, it is likely that your soul is becoming mature, which means that you have lived through several lives.
There are countless signs that point to reincarnation, but experiencing more than one of these five things is a strong indicator that you once walked this planet as a different person in a completely different life. Whatever your beliefs about life, death, and the afterlife happen to be, it is difficult to argue a scientific reason for any of these.
Number four is especially hard to disprove as anything but stone cold evidence that reincarnation is real. Whether you believe or not, I hope this list was able to offer more insight.

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