Which Path Will You Choose? Here's What Your Path Reveals:

1. You have a wise soul and a heart of gold. Many people have tried to break your spirit in the past, but you’ve always risen from the flames like a phoenix from the ashes. People will talk about you even when you’re gone because you’re such a fun person! You know that you only get one life to live and you are living it to the full extent. You wear your heart on your sleeve as you prefer to give love to the world instead of keeping to yourself. You have a lot of friends and many admirers. Remember to stop and enjoy the simple things in life like a beautiful sunset, or catching up with an old friend. You never know where that happiness will lead you!

2. You're the owner of a wild untamed soul and a pure heart. Your love, generosity, and kindness will surpass this lifetime and go on to the next. People will talk about you even when you’re gone because you’re such a fun person! You know that you only get one life to live and you are living it to the full extent. There are many people that admire you for your big heart and many look up to you when they are feeling sad or depressed. You have a calming effect on people that are just irreplaceable!

3. You have the soul of an adventurer and a heart of a warrior. You tend to face your fears head-on, despite how hard it can be at times. You wear your heart on your sleeve as you prefer to give love to the world instead of keeping to yourself. You have a lot of friends and many admirers. People around you are very attracted to your kindness and generosity. You have such a unique spirit - we hope you know that it will lead you to such amazing things!

4. You have a wise soul and a heart of gold. Many people have tried to break your spirit in the past, but you’ve always risen from the flames like a phoenix from the ashes. Your life has had many twists and turns, but you have always stayed true to yourself, and your loved ones. There are times that you wish you had more help from others, as you are carrying a heavy burden in this lifetime, but know it is all for the best… even when it doesn’t feel like it! Remember to stop and enjoy the simple things in life like a beautiful sunset, or catching up with an old friend. You never know where that happiness will lead you!

source: en.vonvon

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