7 Signs Your Third Eye is Opening #4 Scares People

The third eye is something often overlooked and ignored but there is much more to it than we think. Once it opens we can achieve anything we want.
The third eye is what governs the Center of Wisdom, intuition, and higher consciousness. A fully open third eye will allow you to experience oneness with everything around you. You will feel a deeper connection with the Universe like nothing you have ever felt before.
If you are experiencing the following seven things then your third eye is opening:
1. Conscious Eating
You will be drawn to certain foods that you do not usually eat. You will become more aware of what you are ingesting and gain a better understanding of the energies you are feeding into your body.
2. Light Sensitivity
With the opening of the third eye, people often find themselves dealing with light sensitivity as well as seeing colors much more brightly than before.
3. Increased Headaches
Headache pressure is something similar to an energy overload. It is a sign that your third eye is opening or energetically developing in some form when it is centered in your forehead. This headache can range from mild to severe.
4. Pressure Between The Eyebrows
You may be feeling a strong pulsation in the center of your forehead as well this may come before or after the headaches depending on your body and spiritual state.
5. Understanding Synchronicity
You will notice all of the synchronicities that have been occurring all around you. These meaningful coincidences will start to make sense to you.
6. Vivid Dreaming
You will find yourself having unforgettable dreams. They will be overly vivid and feel like an enhanced reality. Lucid dreaming also ties into this.
7. New Found Life Purpose
Chances are you will find yourself much more concerned than before about your life and where you need to go from here. You will be seeing the negative and positive of things much more clear.
source: awarenessact

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