How Souls Choose Their Parents and Families

Long before my daughter was born I had a dream that I had a baby girl. She came near me and gave me a tight hug. She told me that I was her mother and also told me her name was Evelyn. This dream got imprinted in my memory and also in my heart. And, as a result, when I found out that I was pregnant, I knew it was a girl and her name would be Evelyn. Nothing can be truer than this, which means wish for a child!

Our souls visit this Earth more than once to evolve. More I have learned about soul contracts and reincarnation I have learned it more definitely. My thoughts, as well as my beliefs, naturally graduated to this notion as I grew up. People who are still undecided about reincarnation, can come and explore with me the fact that souls are born into a different body many times.
I strongly believe that when a soul decides to have another worldly incarnation, it chooses to have a life on the earth. This depends on the lessons they wish to learn here. So, they choose their set of parents entirely depending on their purpose and wish that will let them learn the specific lessons and enjoy the particular lifestyle.
For instance, if two souls had been in this earth as a mother and daughter, they may wish to experience the emotions again or maybe reverse the roles, when the mother becomes the daughter and the daughter becomes the mother. Also, if the soul wishes to come to the earth in a particular region, its choice to have parents may become less specific. Just like different people around us, souls also have a different persona and they are reborn depending entirely on their wish and experience.
The soul first develops the connection with the set of parents and the right energy and then waits for the most opportune moment to arrive as their baby. During my sessions with my clients on intuitive readings, I have often seen souls waiting to become their children. I can see them if they are a boy or a girl and find out what they wish to experience with their parents in this life
If you read the book, Spirit Babies: How to Communicate with the Child You’re Meant to Have you will find stories narrated by an intuitive man who had spent his entire life in linking parents with their unborn kids. Though I cannot guarantee that I would be able to tell you about your future offspring, generally I can see them during my intuitive sessions, if there are souls waiting for them to be their parents.
Parents also have a significant role to play in bringing the soul into their family. Their thoughts, wishes, and purposes create the beacon for the right soul that would respond to the energies. This is more true for the mother. Edgar Cayce says in his readings that it is a woman’s activities and thoughts during the period of gestation that creates some sort of ‘magnetic field’ in which the right soul get attracted to fulfill the life’s opportunity.
In families having more than one child, souls also make sort of contract or agreement with their possible siblings. It is the energy and wish of the mother that creates the incarnate to decide on the order in which they are to be born. I often imagine myself and my sisters floating in the heavens or the ‘Other Side’ and find myself deciding to appear first! In case of miscarriage, I have often seen the soul to reappear at a later pregnancy and in one instance, the soul went on to be born into the mother’s best friend’s family.
I have also seen with various combinations of people how the same group of souls has appeared in their past lives as closely related individuals, siblings, parents or children. With hundreds of such readings, I can definitely say that souls certainly choose their parents, their place of birth and the events in their lives that would take place. Isn’t it wonderful to know that I and my family members have chosen to be together? I am especially honored to find that my daughter has chosen me. This is the most precious gift she has for me in this lifetime.

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