Do You Have RH NEGATIVE BLOOD? New Theory Suggests Your DNA Does't Come From Earth

An interesting new theory suggests if you have an RH negative blood type, you may have a kind of “alien DNA”. Studies show that Rh negative blood types do not carry the gene originating from the rhesus monkey, the supposed animal humans evolved from.

So if we have all come from monkeys, why do some people not carry that crucial gene? 
There are 4 blood types that we know of: A, B, AB and O. These differences are classified according to the different proteins which are found on the surface of our blood cells that fight off bacteria in the body. Most people have these proteins which means they are Rh positive. But a very minor group, only 10 to 15% of people have an Rh negative blood 
This means they lack some of the proteins that an Rh positive person does.
Scientists have questioned where exactly the Rh negative blood group originates from, about 35,000 years ago. It’s seem to originally be connected with certain groups and tribes of people. About 40 to 45% of Europeans have an Rh negative group yet only 3% of African-American and 1% of Asian people have Rh negative blood.
Characteristics that come with this blood type are:
-having a higher IQ
-having lower body temperature
-more psychically and emotionally in tune 
-red or reddish hair
-sensitivity to heat
-predominately blue, green or hazel eyes.
Cloning has been unsuccessful in Rh negative people as well as pregnancy sometimes.  If a pregnant mother has an Rh negative blood type, her body will reject or attack the fetus if it has and Rh positive blood type. Rh negative women must be treated with a special sterilization solution during their pregnancy Why would a mother’s body attack her own offspring? It’s almost like as if it was an alien to her.
So this is where it gets interesting. It is no new theory that aliens exist and have visited our planet for centuries.
Many people report having alien abductions and interactions with other beings, and many of of those people happen to have Rh negative blood types. Some people believe this blood type comes from the Sumerian’s or the Annunaki, but I will leave that for you to debate.
With the fundamental understanding that aliens in fact do exist, this theory isn’t actually so other worldly. There are countless theories surrounding the possibility of genetic tampering from other species. Throughout history there are so many ancient texts and pieces of arts depicting beings visiting our planet.
So what do you think? Do you think this is possible?

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