Choose A Candle And Find Out Interesting Information You!

It’s said that during different times in our lives we tend to prefer different colors. There are several reasons for that. First of all, our intuition may sometimes notice facts that do not feel obvious to our brain. Second, by choosing this or that color we try to compensate for the lack of certain qualities or feelings in our life. This test is very quick and easy, but it will show you how you feel at the current stage of your life and point to a solution for the problems you might have.

1. Black.

Many people associate the color black with negative things. The purpose of black candles, however, is to summon the strength of the people who have passed on – not the evil in them. This is why black candles are often burned during difficult periods – such as the one you might be currently experiencing.

2. Purple.

Purple helps raise your level of energy and inner vibrations. This is useful for those who are doubting themselves, or feeling exhausted by the outside world. A purple candle will help you alleviate the feeling of doubt and raise your self-esteem.

3. White.

A white candle is a symbol of purity of soul and thought. It clarifies the mind and gives a clear view of life. If you’ve chosen this candle, you might be feeling like you have no concrete goals or clear way in front of you. When you are busy with self-reflection, burning a white candle will make it more productive.

4. Blue.

Blue is the color that symbolizes psychic abilities. It raises the level of positive vibrations in your space and helps stabilize your mood. If you are feeling mentally exhausted, blue candles will help create a healing atmosphere.

5. Green.

In traditional Indian medicine, the color green corresponds to the heart chakra and is associated with nature. This color will help you if you are feeling detached from the world, as if living in isolation from the entire planet.

6. Yellow.

Yellow color is associated with communication, clarity of mind and quick thinking. It has very strong influence upon brain centers, which is why it is recommended to surround yourself with this color when you are learning something.

7. Red.

Red is the color of passion and courage. It is perfect for those times when you are going through a major change: like a fire this color will burn to keep you alive. A red candle is useful when you need inspiration.

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