6 Signs That Prove You Are An Earth Angel: No. 3 Is A Clear Indication!

Earth Angels are certain people on earth spread light and encourage positive change. They don’t tolerate hate, violence or oppression and just want to live in a world of harmony and love.
Old souls, they don’t necessarily fit in the modern high-tech world or want to. They are more concerned with finding bringing happiness, joy, and light into the lives of everyone they meet.
Exuding pure and positive energy, they are passionate about improving the world and solving the problems in it.
Earth Angels are often NOT aware of the power they have within nor do they know the impact they have on other people’s lives. However, there are ways to tell if you are an earth angel.
An Earth angel’s mission is to spread joy and solve the problems of the world. Not exactly an easy task, so it’s no surprise that Earth Angels can feel frustrated and disillusioned by the world around them.
They will take the problems of the world deeply personally and can feel depressed by the constant stream of bad news. At times they may even hide away from the world, as they try to get a break from the negativity.
As anxious creatures, they can feel uncomfortable in large groups and overbearing social situations.
Earth angels enjoy an alone time when they can recharge their batteries and take stock of what is happening in life. It can also be a healing process, giving them time to recover from any wounds inflicted on them. Solitude also gives them time to reflect on their character and try to improve themselves, something they are constantly trying to do.
If you feel deeply empathetic towards other people and desperate to help those in distress, you could be an Earth Angel. Earth angels will do anything they can to help anyone, whether it’s a family member or someone they encounter on the street. It hurts them to see others in pain, so are desperate to soothe and help those in trouble.
Modern life is based on logic, but Earth Angels are more likely to base their decisions on emotions and intuitions. Their deeply emotional connection to the world and those in it, meaning they let their intuition guide them through life.
Rather than using logic, they rely on intuition and the belief the universe to send them positive people and experiences. Usually, they do this through spiritual practices.
Earth angels are driven by a deeper purpose in life and wouldn’t dream of living a “normal” life. They need to achieve, make their mark and live by the rules they set for themselves rather than what society expects of them.
Unable to live an unfulfilled life, they often work as humanitarians, social workers, healers or any profession they can aid people.
Earth angels struggle to understands the limitations and expectations of modern society. Why do we work so much? Why do we put so much value on material possessions? Why are there still wars and injustice in the world and why aren’t people doing more to change that?
These are just some of the questions that confuse Earth Angels about society, so it’s no surprise they feel most at home when they withdraw from it. Many live “off the grid” or an alternative lifestyle where they can fulfill their role and purpose without having to conform.

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