Look at the following 4 crystals, analyze them well and choose the one you like the most. Make sure your choice is careful and honest to get the best results. After you select the crystal, find the message below and read how you can improve your own future.


This crystal reminds you that you need to create your own reality. It is possible at some moments to doubt your ability to realize your dreams, but whenever you happen to remember this, remember that you are an enthusiastic, passionate and courageous person and that it is in your nature to achieve goals.

It’s time to believe and create – Define your goal, visualize the way to it and take the right steps to achieve your dreams.

But also keep in mind that there is no need to imagine the full path or to know exactly what to do. Sometimes it is only enough to do the first step, to keep the positive attitude that allows you to be happy and the rest will develop in itself.


When you feel sad, it’s because you stick to the memories in the past. When you feel bad, that’s because you spend a lot of time thinking about the future. Remember that the past and the future are nothing more than mental projections of what it once was. The only thing that exists and belongs to you is here and now, as it really is.

This crystal comes in your life to tell you that you can not change the past – what happened, has already happened, and the only thing you can do is to improve the present and move forward towards the future.

Now is the right moment to relax and to thank the past that built your foundations, which brought you valuable lessons and made you realize that life is actually in the present.


The universe is in balance. Each action creates a reaction, so each act has its own consequence. If you act with love, prosperity, happiness and wealth, then these same things will return you to even greater volumes – but you must allow it.

This crystal arrives in your life to remind you that, even if you are not so learned, it is equally good to give and receive. You have been giving it so long (the kindness is in your nature), which you have forgotten how to allow others to bestow you on you.

You are a person who consistently does good. But do not forget that you will receive only what you think you deserve, so do not be too hard on yourself.


You are a person who knows that devotion and the desire for success are crucial in building a life from dreams, so you always put your whole being into everything you do. Your main challenge is to be patient and to learn to move in parallel with your life because you are sometimes overly concerned and disrupt the natural course of events.

Remember that life is perfect and that it has its own timeline, so if you want to be happy, then you must move freely along the natural path.

If you do your best in your life, you will always see results, so continue to act with love, courage and confidence and everything will go well!

Choose A Card For The Message You Need To Hear At This Exact Moment

Look carefully at the cards, let yourself be guided by your intuition and choose your favorite.

Right in that card, there is a message that we hope will inspire you to take matters in your own hands right now at this moment, not later, not tomorrow, but now, because the time to act and improve your life is NOW.

Choose the card that catches your eye from the three that are shown and discover your message.


This card tells you it’s a time of new beginnings when there will be plenty of opportunities to create a fresh start. These opportunities play a very important part in catapulting you to where you need to be, so it’s in your best interest to follow them wherever they may lead.

You are being encouraged to find the inner strength and courage to step into the unknown – to feel the fear and do it anyway and create a brand-new life.

New opportunities may present themselves in the area of relationships, home or career. There might be a chance to move, study, or travel; or embark on an exciting new endeavor. Regardless, you must pay attention to the signs and seize the moment when it arises. When you’re open to new beginnings, the Universe will send you the next logical step to take.

In order to improve your current situation, you are being asked to adjust to, and harmonize with, the natural rhythm and cycles of your life – cycles that are leading you toward an exciting new beginning. So be optimistic and ambitious, and move with the changing tides. Embrace the mystery of the unknown and you will make your dreams come true.

Message: Embrace new beginnings and make your dreams come true!


This card shows you the need to focus on your well-being and self-care. You are being encouraged to explore practices and behaviors that can enhance your physical, emotional, and mental health.

Whether you explore conventional or alternative methods, it’s important at this time to put your health and happiness first. This is a time to eliminate any unhealthy habits and behaviors that are impeding your success.

You can seek professional assistance if you need to, or make improvements on your own.

Some of the basic necessities for optimal health are regular checkups, good nutrition, exercise, drinking plenty of water, getting a good night’s sleep, detoxification, going outside in nature, engaging in relaxing activities, avoiding toxic people and environments, maintaining a positive mindset, meditation or yoga, defining your personal limits and boundaries, doing what you love, laughing often, and spending quiet time alone.

In order to improve your current situation, you are being asked to adjust to, and harmonize with, the natural rhythm and cycles of your life – cycles that are encouraging you to work on improving your current state of health.

This isn’t a time to procrastinate, for you are being called to take action. Call upon your spirit guides and angels, if necessary to be shown the next step to take for the sake of your health.

Message: With a healthy body and a healthy mind, you raise your energy vibration!


This card tells you to see your life as an adventure. No one knows what will happen tomorrow, so why not make the most of today? By drawing this card, you’re being encouraged to step out of the rut of your everyday life to experience exciting new things. It doesn’t have to be anything dramatic; just a couple of minor adjustments can add a little adventure and zing.

This is a time to be inquisitive and daring. You might want to rearrange your furniture or experiment with new styles of clothing. Perhaps you could eat a different type of food, take up a new hobby, or go on an overseas voyage.

Sometimes a new version of something familiar is enough to shake things up. Even a random act of kindness can be an adventure in itself.

In order to improve your current situation, you are being asked to adjust to, and harmonize with, the natural rhythm and cycles of your life—cycles that are leading you toward new experiences and adventures.

You’ve got people to meet, and plenty of things to see. So open yourself up to the unknown, revitalize your soul, and broaden your horizons. Adventure stimulates the life force and enhances your connection to Source.

Message: Broaden your life experiences and expand the growth of your soul!

If you liked the message you received from your card, share this post with your friends and family so they too receive a message to improve their life right now.

Choose One Symbol to Reveal Your Spirit Message for Better Future

Set your intention and then pick which one symbol (1 – 6) stands out to you the most. Go with your first instincts.

If you picked 1:

It’s time to just let it all go, and give your trust to the universe. Instead of trying to fight against what is, simply take a step back and allow yourself to go with the rhythm and flow of life. You are being called on now to stop pushing your way forward and to accept the present moment and what is. Your next step will be revealed to you when you are calm, still and focussed on your true intention. Avoid making any hasty decisions, meditate and allow the stillness to guide you.

If you picked 2:

Boundaries are not a bad thing if they are constructed consciously and with guided intention. It is time for you to put some of these boundaries in place because too much of you is scattered! By having clear boundaries, you give your life a little structure and guidance which is exactly what you need to focus on right now. You need to focus on taking responsibility for things that are not going to plan and to stop spreading your time and energy amongst people and situations that are no longer serving your higher purpose. Its time to take inventory, as daunting as it all sounds, it will be your biggest ally right now. It is also the perfect time to clear out the house to reduce clutter.

If you picked 3:

You are on the right path! Although things may not always be clear to you, this message is to let you know that everything is going to be ok! You are walking your highest path now and although you may have many questions, the Universe is letting you know that you are guided and looked after. Trust that everything will work out perfectly and with divine timing. There is no need for you to worry about the future or the past, simply stay present in each moment and watch the magic of your life unfold! If you have a big decision to make, know the answer to your decision will be delivered today through a synchronistic message.

If you picked 4:

It is time to let go of the past. Too much of you is stuck on what was rather than looking to the now. While it is important to grieve and allow yourself time to heal, there is no benefit in re-telling the same old stories to yourself again and again. Leave the past where it is and look forward now. You are being called on to take the present moment into your hands and make of it what you can. The power is in your hands to change the future and the only way you can do that is by changing your awareness to the present moment. In order to release the past, try writing it down or confiding in a friend, allow yourself one last chance to re-hash the old emotions and then let it go. You will not be able to move forward until you do.

If you picked 5:

Things are moving forward quickly and its time to set some new goals and intentions! Life has been moving at a fast pace and it seems that things are finally gaining momentum, what a perfect time to set some new goals for this new chapter of your life. Start by going within and working out what your hearts desire truly is. Write down the things that make you happy and then go for it! While results may not be instant, think of your thoughts as a boomerang, shooting straight up into the heavens. While you are waiting for it to return to you, continue setting your positive thoughts and intentions. The message from the Universe is clear- set your intentions now for they will be delivered!

If you picked 6:

You are focused too much on the external rather than looking within. Deep within your heart lies the answers to all your questions but unless you still your mind, how can you hear them? Your head is full of clutter and your mind is confused, clear the thoughts on your plate for just a moment and looks within. Mediate, go for a walk, calm your mind and reconnect with the Divine. Spirit is asking you to look for answers within instead of looking for external clues or signs. The time is now to become in sync with the Universe and all that it holds for you and the only way you can do this is by reflecting within. Monitor your thoughts today but try not to engage or judge them, get back to your core self and be conscious of when your ego is at play.

Pick A Moon And See What It Reveals About Your Personality

There are so many personality tests that help in understanding the hidden personality of a person. Today, in this article, we bring in one of the creative tests which will reveal the unexpected side of your personality.

All that you need to do is pick a moon and find out about the unknown side of yours.

Pick a moon and it will help you discover the detailed description of your personality and it also provides a message for your life! So, if you are done choosing any of the above moons, then find out about the unknown side of your personality.

If #1 Was Your Choice…

If this is your selection, you are a person who is said to be capable of achieving goals and are success oriented. As a person, you are energetic and optimistic. On the other hand, you tend to give your best in whatever you do. Apart from this, your self-confidence is believed to help you overcome any stressful situation. You seem to feel the need to work endlessly to become successful steadily. As a person, you need to learn to be easy on yourself and see how things seem to fall in the right place.

If #2 Was Your Choice…

If this is your selection, you are a person who is said to be creative and perceptive by nature. There are chances that people around you start taking you to be practical and are comfortable to go out with. On the other hand, you are the kind of person who seems to have an emotional nature, as you tend to help those around you. All that you need to do is to take some time out and not indulge in any unnecessary expressing of emotions, as you tend to go overboard very soon and there are chances that this can backfire you! 11 Simple Changes In Diet To Lose Weight Did You Know Impure Blood Can Cause These 8 Major Diseases? Kamya Panjabi’s Eye-Catching Sari Will Give You Brand New Sari Goals Featured Posts

If #3 Was Your Choice…

If this is your selection, you are said to be a person who is full of energy, and there are chances of you being temperamental as well. As a person, you are known for your strength of character. On the other hand, you seem to be afraid of being betrayed in life, and this is something that you often do to ensure the well-being of your loved ones. Apart from this, you are a person who seems to be extremely choosy with whom you opt as your close friends. You tend to remember the good things that you do to others and expect it to come back to you.

If #4 Was Your Choice…

If this is your selection, you are said to be a person who seems to be sensitive and compassionate. As an individual, you have an immense desire to do good deeds for your loved ones, and at the same time, you also seem to crave for approval as well. As an individual, you tend to think about others first instead of thinking about yourself. You need to work on improving yourself and in polishing your abilities to become a perfectionist.

If #5 Was Your Choice…

If this is your selection, you are a person who is restless, and you love to find out about things, and this is something that defines your true nature. As an individual, you are noble and curious. On the other hand, you can do just about anything for your loved ones. As a person, you like to have great conversations with almost everybody. Apart from this, your mind seems to be full of ideas at all times, and this is what makes you different from the rest.

If #6 Was Your Choice…

If this is your selection, you are said to be a person who loves peace. What makes you unique is the fact that as a person, you are incredibly patient, and no matter what goes wrong, you tend to value your tranquility above everything else. While others enjoy the simple pleasures of their present life, you love to spend a lot of time thinking about the future.

Choose A Symbol To Reveal Which Phase of Life You Have Entered

When you’ve discovered the image that feels essential to you personally, scroll all the way down to learn extra about its that means.

1. The Athletic Part

Self-obsession and narcissism are essentially the most immature of all phases of life, mostly discovered amongst these at the moment within the athlete part. It is a time when persons are fearful about their look, their silhouette and all the things else. Due to their immaturity, folks reside on this part as if the universe revolved around them and solely around them. They’re blind to the struggles of others, and since additionally, it is an egocentric part, they aren’t actually fascinated about figuring out it.

Sarcastically, if narcissism is an important function of this face, it additionally consists of self-criticism and a scarcity of shallowness. Though they’re two extremes, they go collectively within the athlete part. The ego of an individual is bigger than life and it’s inconceivable to destroy it, or they lack self-confidence. They’re continually reflecting on their look and whether or not they have made errors in the way in which they determined to introduce themselves. Usually, persons are caught of their youth at this stage, however, so are those that have been raised by narcissists. The primary is extra egocentric, however, the second is just too self-critical.

2. The Warrior Part

While you hand over the athletic part, folks often enter the struggle part. At this level, they’re extra mature after they study that they’re answerable for the implications of their very own actions and that they take duty for these round them. Within the struggle part, studying begins. We study to use the information gained to enhance ourselves and the world around us. Some classes might be tough, however, they’re nonetheless mandatory.

Success, ambitions and the need to attain objectives additionally characterize this part. This isn’t referred to as the warrior part as a result of we’re studying to turn into fighters within the true sense of the phrase. We’re starting to limit our deal with this planet and the means to attain it. Slowly, our future plans crystallize and we’re experiencing nice private progress. The motivation to push tougher for these plans to turn into actuality can be mirrored on this part, and the knowledge you’ll study can be invaluable afterward.

3. The Declaratory Part

The declaratory part brings us to mature now by jumps and maturity. This takes you a lot additional than the earlier two and it may be tough to take care of all these modifications on the similar time. That is the part of life in which you’ll carry your individual offspring to the world. In the course of the earlier part, you discovered to take duty for your self and others. It is a good time so that you can obtain care of one other life. It may be scary, but it surely’s additionally a really thrilling time.

To have extra than simply youngsters and educate them correctly, in this part you additionally take into consideration what you permit them. You’ll notice how essential it’s to depart you a legacy you might be pleased with. That is the fitting time to evaluate all of your previous accomplishments and look at how they’ve affected your life, particularly these which can be essential to you. Whereas wanting your youngsters to honor you, you additionally need to just remember to are the type of mum or dad you might be pleased with once you name yours, and you’re able to make the mandatory modifications.

4. The Religious Part

The final part to reside in this life is part of the spirit. We notice now that the universe encompasses extra than simply the issues we discovered in this materials world. Whereas wealth, relationships, lovely objects, and achievements have been essential, your spirituality takes priority over all the things else. Greater than ever, you’re feeling your connection to the universe.

Our unity with our omnipresent spirit slowly develops in our consciousness and we turn into conscious that we’re solely beings transferring in house. Life is vitality and has no starting or finish. Anyway, the journey should proceed. After you have reached peace of thoughts, your life can be centered on illuminating your gentle within the darkest locations and offering meals and compassion without something ready for you in return. You will see that you’re striving to show and information others, in order that they, too, can enter this part of the blessing. It’s a finish, but it surely’s additionally a brand new and completely satisfied begin.